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Soy... una mujer

Vivo en... Playa Flamenca, Orihuela Costa & Inverkip, Scotland

sp1946's latest forum comments

11 Aug 2021 3:34 PM:

Thanks Kavanagh, other than what the Pharmacist told me the answer is no, not yet. I wondered if someone on Eye in Spain had the same experience & knew the answer.


Thread: Cost of prescriptions issued by Spanish GP

11 Aug 2021 2:04 PM:

I am looking for some enlightenment on prescription costs. As a resident since last year I have ongoing regular prescriptions for a chronic condition. The cost per item has been around 60cents per item. I needed to consult my GP this week with a new (hopefully one-off) problem. My GP gave me a prescription for 2 items. On presenting my SIP card at the Pharmacy the 2 items were dispensed. One item was 32 cents but I was charged €9.95 for the other item. The Pharmacist said it was because that particular item is not on the "free" list. I was unaware until then that not all prescribed medicine is covered by Spanish healthcare. Can anyone tell me how it works, why not everything is covered, & whether there are particular types of treatment that aren't covered? Thanks in anticipation.


Thread: Cost of prescriptions issued by Spanish GP

11 Aug 2021 1:14 PM:

Flying into Scotland means you have to use the Scottish Government supplier, CMT.

For the day 2 test there is a fixed price of (an extortionate) £88 per person.


Thread: Day 2 test arriving Scotland

03 Dec 2020 4:04 PM:


Looking  for help/advice!

We are now resident in Spain & collected our TIE cards yesterday. The next step is to register for health care using form S1. Despite looking for information on how to go about it we have hit a brick wall. We are under the impression we need an appointment at the Social Security office to present all our documents, etc but cannot understand how to do that. Even a personal visit to the Social Security office only resulted in being given a couple of phone numbers to call. Despite understanding Spanish if spoken slowly all the calls we have made result in automated messages spoken at high speed. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.


Thread: Registering for healthcare in Spain

29 Aug 2020 12:52 PM:

"my sister in law is drawing a uk pension so would she have to produce any form of proof of income?"

Living on Orihuela Costa. My husband & I have just satisfied the requirements to apply for residency. You sister-in-law needs a Spanish bank account with her State pension paid in for at least 3 months to prove sufficient income. She will also need form S1 from Newcastle.

Her best bet is to get advice on the process from a local company. There will be no charge for asking what the requirements are & what the process involves.

Thread: Resident


Spain insurance services

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