22 Sep 2013 7:49 PM:
First- Hello to you all!
Me and my wife would really like to move to Spain next year, far south with good expat and large tourist. Although im a trained plumber and can do all the trades ( i used to teach them in my training centre),we would like to start a moped hire biz. I know countless others must have said this but like most people, there is a lot of talk and very little action. I very much intend to see this through as long as it can work.
I know i need professional legal advice but need to start somewhere. Any help with the following would be so helpful, thankyou!
1, Is there any type of permission i need to run such a business?
2, Is the process of starting up such a business a lengthy process?
3, I will be importing the scooters from China, whats the relative costs for this? Do I get slapt for 100% import tax or the like??
3, What would be the best area for both expat community to make new friends and for greatest footfall from tourists, as we are talking scooters we are probably talking a younger age group. Having said this I would consider car hire.
Please, any advice would be so appreciated.
Kind regards!
Starting a scooter hire business