25 Mar 2017 8:22 AM:
I am the President of a community and we are suffering from an influx of illegal squatters.
The modus operandi is as follows.
They come during the night and drill out the locks and put in new locks and then on a Friday evening they move in with a false contract provided by a (Russian) agent who no doubt takes a fee.
The police and guardia civil do nothing as they say that they have a legal contract and no amount of explaining that the contract cannot be legal as it is not from the owner makes any difference and the legal owner nust make a denuncia to the guardia civil and then take legal action.
As this is done on a Friday evening it makes it very difficult to contact any one and so this is to their advantage.
They bypass the electricity and water and the utility companies when pushed come out and disconnect but a few hours later the sqatters have managed to restore them.
It would seem that we are powerless to stop this happening as the law is on their side and this is not a good thing for our community and apperently this is happening in other communities.
I fail to understand why the authorities do not go after these bogus agents as they are the criminals in this scenario.
I would welcome any suggestions from any one who can give helpfull advice on any measures we can put into action.