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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Moved to Spain to have an adventure - and we're still having it!!!

Vivo en... Almeria

Me gusta... Learning Spanish, walking, going to the gym, eating out with friends, reading,

Trabajo de... Retired

tillymint666's latest forum comments

19 May 2016 8:01 AM:

We used a filter system - but it uses 5litres  of water for every one litre you get.  Plus it was expensive to replace  and maintain. Now we use H20 - It was 70euros to fit initially - with a tap (less if you have your own)    It needs changing every 6months (40euros) . Brilliant!!!  No longer carting large bottles of water!!!  I was having my filter replaced and I asked the guy why everybody isn't using their product - and he said that people didnt believe just how good it is!!! So they choose a more expensive, less ecologically friendly product. I must admit we were guilty of that too. It was only when we needed the other one changing ( the pressure dome needed replacing) - we decided to give H20 a chance!!! As I've said- BRILLIANT!!!  They cover from Alicante down to our area Almanzora Valley.  Only posting this because it's such a  good product. 

Thread: Water Filters in Sierra Golf. Are you using one?

21 Nov 2013 5:17 PM:

We have a full and busy life here in Spain.  Although we both suffer from serious health problems - we don't let it interfere with our love of sport and fitness pursuits (tennis, swimming, walking, aeroblic, pilates etc).  I'm also involved in local charities and events - plus I study spanish.  We do miss the grandchildren - but spend time with them when back in the uk once a year.  they have their own busy lives - and I'm sure we'd be roped in to childminding etc - which we wouldn't have minded - but life here is better for us - and I'm sure our life expectancy will be improved by the weather and by all the things we do.  

We've lots of new friends - but we do miss our old friends - who we catch up with once a year (one or two have been to visit us).  

I still prefer to do most of my clothes shopping in the uk - so I do this once a year.  Our pensions go further - because I don't shop as much as I would have done in the uk - 

We have the same t.v (a few programs are not accessible) - but as long as my husband has his sport - he's a happy boy - I've got my kindle - so I enjoy that - plus - we have good internet access - even though we're up a mountain.  Some friends in the uk have problems accessing the internet because they live out in the country.

All in all - we'll stay here - the hospitals are good (even though you do have to travel) - we're both under cardiologists - and the care has been great.  Speaking a bit of spanish definitely helps - although we do often use an interpreter.

We've met new spanish people who are now friends - and we visit them in Valencia - which was a lovely experience.

My husband is putting more wood on the woodburner - no central heating here.  It is very cold out there - but we're warm and cozy here - wouldn't change anything!!


Thread: British expats are too busy to feel homesick- do you agree?

02 Oct 2013 8:40 PM:

Sorry that I felt I had to mention the dangers for tourists in most of the large cities in the E.U. - these pickpockets (mostly from Eastern European Countries!!) are sweeping through the E.U. - most of them heading for the U.K. because that's where the richest pickings are!!!!!  AND!!!! What are the Fat Cats sitting in the European Parliament doing???? Nothing very useful!!!!  Just lining their own pockets - and having a fine old time at OUR expense.  Instead of tackling the problems in Spain and the U.K. - they are happily ignoring them.  Whenever the friendly policeperson actually manages to detain any of them - they send them to comfy prisons where they get 3 meals a day - Sky t.v. - etc. etc.  If they got caught back in their own countries - they would not be so happy!!!!  Everything in the U.K. has to be POLITICALLY CORRECT!!! If criminals break the law in a particular country - they should be sent back from where they came - and have their passports confiscated.  Can't imagine that happening any time soon!!

Thread: The best beautiful place in Spain

02 Oct 2013 4:59 PM:

If I were you - I would go and stay in the Best Western in Salobreno (make sure you have a Superior Room) - then go into the Sierra Nevadas and explore Las Alpujarras - little villages like Orgiva, Pitres, Pampaneira, Capileira are wonderful to visit.

Also visit Almunecar and the caves of Nerja - you will not be disappointed.

However, if you just want a beach holiday - then Mojacar is a lovely place - lots of restaurants - and a lovely white Pueblo.

Barcelona is also a MUST - La Sagrada Familiar is awesome!!!!  And at night it's lovely to walk down Las Ramblas.

However, when on holiday (this applies to the U.K. too) - please take care to watch your wallet - there are many Romanians and Eastern European pickpockets - who target these areas - and crowd round tourists when they are boarding trains etc. and try to steal from backpacks and handbags.  Hide all your documents and money well - and you should have no problems - Spain is a wonderful destination.

Thread: The best beautiful place in Spain

29 Sep 2012 3:19 AM:

I know a lot of people who have either returned to the u.k. or are hoping to return because of health issues.  Unless you speak fluent spanish - medical problems can be made more stressful because you need to have a good command when dealing with doctors and hospitals.  I know - I've had more than my fair share - and I'm not fluent at all - but I'm fairly confident and willing to have a go - which makes any visits to hospital not so bad.  However, friends who have had major health issues have mostly returned to the u.k. - because they feel better dealing with english speaking medical people.  The medical care is good here - but they seem to feel that you should just put up with pain (back problems, hip and joint pain etc.) - because you are old - and you are less likely to get treatment for 'non life threatening' conditions.  There seem to be more medical support in the u.k. - health visitors etc. - so I think it's health issues that make folk want to go back.  It's certainly NOT the weather!!!!

Thread: Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?


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"Is it me?? Or are there other folk out there who are dispairing of the way we are being ripped off by airlines. "
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