16 Mar 2011 3:50 PM:
Thanks Techno,
a good post and yes cost per month is high on my agenda. I have 4 properties in the UK and one in Ireland, but I am a virgin as far as Spain is concerned and rely on local knowlege from guys like yourselves who are willing to post and chat with others
I am attracted to Spain due to the weather and prices at the moment and I wouldnt mind holidaying there for 2-4 weeks a year, and I'm sure a few friends would take between 4-8 weeks off me as well for the right price.
I read recently that the 3 years grace several builders had will expire shortly and that there will be more reposetions in the coming months, anyone else heard that?
If anyone has any links to bank owned 100% financed properties then send me the link please, or if you know of a good agent who represents a few areas
arenal duquesa