25 Aug 2008 10:44 AM:
Hi everyone
Please excuse this question. A very nice person told me to find this web site.
I've been trawling through threads this morning and can't quite find an answer to what I am looking for. I know it will be somewhere but I can't find it. So apologies for my question.
We paid our first deposit last April. We thought that we had 18 months from that date to completion. We were told that all licences were in place. We do have a bank guarantee.
I know now that it will be 18 months from the date of the granting of the build licence. However I have been informed that the build licence has not even been applied for yet. The Resort has up to now been blaming the Town Hall.
Could we implement our bank guarantee as there is no way our property will be completed in the 18 months from first deposit.
I feel we have been mis sold.
Thank you for any help
Bank Guarantee Process for Claiming