22 Jan 2008 2:17 PM:
Might this be an issue which could be taken to the Court of Human Rights in The Hague? Surely, if someone has obtained permission from a Town Hall, they should be allowed full compensation for this, OK, so the Town Hall are corrupt but how are we to know this in advance? What needs to happen is to gather a group of people together to mount some collective action to take this matter to the Court, indict the Mayor and demand full restitution in some form or another.
The JDA are simpy taking corruption to another level, read New Labour, read Tony Blair, read Alistair Campbell! What do they care about people? Presumably, this will mainly happen to ex-pats? They have opened a can of worms which must end in their own removal from power because if they remove the Brits they remove the bread and butter of much of the coast, still, when did Socialists ever have any vision?
Ian Turner
Home demolished in Vera