07 Jan 2012 11:32 AM:
funny we are just experiencing the same problem. We decided to cancel our private health with Caser that we had through our bank Caja Murcia.
As it had to end end of year each time( december 31st), we went to cancel it at the end of october so perfectly in the delays of two months.
Our bank account lady was most displeased, as she gets commission from it, and tried to make it hard for us to cancel. Anyway, she cancelled it for the end of december and the last payment was the start of december one.
Well, to our surprise, they took the money again this month and obviously did not cancel it which means that we would be liable for another full year of it even though, we are ´autonomos´and paying into the public system and have decided to cut costs by being with public health only.
I have checked my internet banking and, surprise, surprise, whilst you have 3 weeks to cancel a payment taken from the account, this one is not available to be cancelled!
My husband is going to the bank first thing monday am; will keep you posted!
Private medical insurance cancellation