Donate to the Spanish greyhounds .. just register before shopping online. It's FREE so PLEASE DO IT!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @ 1:18 PM
PLEASE donate to the Spanish greyhounds .. just register before shopping online.
It won't cost you anything!
If possible can people take a look at this - easyfundraising. Its a free way for you to earn our galgos money. It would really help us out.
Like to shop online and want to raise funds for Galgos del Sol at the same time, then this is how!
Just visit the Easyfundraising website using this link and register as a user. Easyfundraising provide links to the individual websites of over 2000 Brand retailers in the UK, all of whom are prepared to offer a donation to the charity of your choice when you link to their site via Easyfundraising and purchase online. The participating retailers include most well-known UK high street names like M&S, John Lewis, Debenhams and Boots, as well as Amazon, Argos and ebay plus a host of insurance and phone companies and supermarkets.
What's the catch? Absolutely none, this is a FREE service
- when you shop online these companies save money in shop rental, overheads and staffing costs and to encourage more people to use their online facilities they're happy to offer a donation to your chosen charity for every purchase made. You pay no more for the item of your choice than if you went directly the company's website and your relationship is still with the individual retailer; Easyfundraising simply record the donations generated for Galgos del Sol, paying these to us each quarter and we receive 100% of the donated amounts.
Although the rate of donation varies between companies it is typically 2.5% of the price of the purchased item but can be more, for example up to 3% for Boots and 5% for M&S. Purchasing insurance in this way could generate a one-off donation of anywhere between £10 and £35 for Galgos del Sol, depending upon the insurance company. Don't forget to check out the Special Offers and Increased Donations links on the Easyfundraising website too, some of these offers are exclusive to the Easyfundraising site and just by quoting a Voucher Code when you shop, you could save yourself money at the same time as helping Galgos del Sol raise much needed funds.
You don't even have to make a purchase to raise funds. If you regularly use a search engine, just switch to Easysearch using this link and every time you use the search engine, Galgos del Sol will receive a donation. Easysearch combines a number of search engines like Yahoo, Bing and Ask to give the best results in one simple search.
So if you ALREADY shop online or use a search engine, why not help Galgos del Sol at the same time, at no extra cost to you. Please help support us in this way.

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