This is a general view of Bahia Park, from one of the the highest slides (Multipistas = several trails; concretely there are 4 trails).Bahia Park is just beside Algeciras, quite near the centre and situated closed the top of Villa Palma Avenue.

On the left side, you can see another slides, which have several bends. And, on the left side, you can see a little beach, with waves, sometimes, of course.

The name of this slide is: Kamikace.Here, you only can throw your self with a big float (named "Donut"), which you can rent there, in the entrance of the Park.You can throw only yoursel or in group.

This is the slide "Multipistas".I tried it and I can tell you that it is so funny.

This is the beach, with little waves.

Those are the slides with bends, that I told you before.

This is the other beach, without waves.In the middle of the picture, you can see a big and yellow drum (barril) that, when it is full of water, it turns and empty all the water over the people who is waiting for it under.

This is the other swimmingpool, where you can travel along the zip-line.

This is the swimmingpool for children.

At the top of the picture, you can see a big yellow slide; and to the left, there is an orange one.
If you go before 3 : 30 pm, you will have pay 16 Euros; but, if you go after that hour, you will have pay 11 Euros.The funfair is closed at 7 : 30 pm; but you have to leave the complex at 8 pm; it open at 10 : 30 am.