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Living with the Presidente.

A tongue in cheek account of living with the Presidente, OR how to survive and extended 'family' of 183.

Tyres and Keys and Problemas
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 11:13 PM

Yesterday El Presidente and me went to Iceland. We parked in the car park got out of the car and saw a nail stuck in the tyre so we got straight back in and drove slowly to the Spanish equivelent of Quick Fit.
They took the tyre off and repaired it and we went back to Iceland where we purchased one or two English goodies.
This morning we went down to our garage to get the car cos we were off to the Administrators and guess what ?? the tyre was flat ! !

El Presidente now owes the swear box several euros.

Anyway, being a macho man, he whipped off the flat tyre ( slowly, cos the nuts were stuck..........the nuts on the wheel I mean ) and put on the spare and off we went to the Administrators. There we discussed the debtor's situation and where we had got to in the court proceedings, which is actually not much further because as we all know, Spain grinds to a halt in August, then takes till mid September to start up again. El Presidente concluded the community business and we sped off o the Spanish Quick Fit.

The boss was having a really bad day, but the chap who had done our repair was having an even worse day, especially when his boss had a go at him ! ! Anyway the problema was sorted and we have five good wheels again.

So we came home.

We spent a 'happy' hour watching the inane programmes which Telmicro have deigned to provide us with before the door bell rang...........................................................

An irate ( they are always irate ) couple stood outside demanding that El Presidente 'let them into their apartment'.
El Presidente explained that he doesn't have keys to individual apartments and there was really nothing he could do.
It turned out that they had rented an apartment via the internet and had no paperwork telling them where to pick up the key from. Someone had let them in through the main door ( so much for security ) and now they wanted El Presidente to sort out thier problema. They did not even know a name of the letting agent or the owner of the apartment. El Presidente had to phone the apartment owner to find out where they should get the key from and it turned out that the rental had been from a local agent who had told the owner that there was no one renting the apartment in September ! ! !

So there is a least one sneaky double dealing rental agent out there, beware ! !

Anyway, El Presidente sorted out their problema........................................and tomorrow I think I might disconnect our doorbell.

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Impey said:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 4:12 PM


I enjoy your blogs so much. Keep up the good work!

On a separate subject, do you know if an offplan development forum has been set up yet for El Bosque, the new development going up next to your place and ours? Thanks.

Karensun said:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 6:12 PM

I've had a look at El Bosque on the development forums here but it's not listed. I have been told that only 8 have been sold so I don't suppose there is much to say yet.
There doesn't seem to be much activity over there at the moment but I think all building is slow at present. San Antonio, who built our apartments, have told thier workers not to go back to work for another 2 weeks and the work on one mirror image commercial centres at the back of us has stopped and only the other one will be completed.
On a more positive note ( at least I think so ) the houses that Gomendio are building directly on the front are going to be shelved. They are putting the roads in but nothing else.
Thabks for the comment on my blog.........much appreciated.

Impey said:
Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 6:54 PM


Thanks for the info.

andrew atkinson said:
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @ 4:22 PM

Living with The Presidente is a good title for a book. If you ever ponder putting your blog into book form, I would be glad to help you. I have been in the Media/publishing field for 30 years, and am the Author of 10 books to date. Andrew Atkinson, Los Montesinos, Alicante, Costa Blanca south. Email:

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