Patio Finishes

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The Comments
13 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by Humphrey Littleton Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I'm making myself busy and considering what I can do to finish of my pool surround and potentially a patio area.

I'd like to have a poured concrete finish (like Il Paraiso) so that I can choose the colour and style, but wondered if anyone knew of a local company/contact that they'd seen the work of and coul possibly recommend or share some details of?

Thanks, Humph

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28 Jun 2011 11:30 PM by humphrey littleton Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Evening all

Another review of old threads from me.

I'd still be interested to hear from anyone that may have used or who has been in touch with people or companies that have laid a patio or the poured concrete / presscrete  type finish.

The existing tile pathways are lethal in the wet, so anyone with contact details they can share with me to stop the slippery nightmare will be most welcome.

Thanks all, Humph.

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29 Jun 2011 9:04 AM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message

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