Shower screen for sale

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09 Jul 2010 12:00 AM by Sazza Star rating in Peterborough (Jardin.... 48 forum posts Send private message

As posted on the CDA forum.

Hi peeps,

This is aimed at anyone that has just or is about to complete or even if someone has only bought a shower curtain.

We are offering the screen at a snip of just 70 euros.  It actually cost us 170 euro & I know that the cheapest ones in Brico are approx 90 euro. There is nothing wrong with it, we have just had our bath removed & therefore no longer require it.  It was fitted to the left side wall, but it looks like you can switch the side that the handle goes on if you wanted to change sides - it would just mean that the 'frosting' would be on the inside instead of the outside.  I think you can get an idea from the picture below.

Please PM me if you are interested.


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22 Feb 2011 11:44 AM by Sazza Star rating in Peterborough (Jardin.... 48 forum posts Send private message

Just bringing this to the top again as we still need to sell - reasonable offers accepted!

It was only ever used for approx 4 weeks in total whilst fitted so I can honestly say it is in brilliant condition & is a complete bargain. 
We will be over this weekend if anyone wishes to view; other than that access is through our keyholder at any time.
Please reply or PM if you are interested or know of someone who may be interested - they don't even have to live at CDA, we're happy to sell outside of the wire

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22 Feb 2011 7:26 PM by Sazza Star rating in Peterborough (Jardin.... 48 forum posts Send private message

Hopefully sold, but thanks for looking

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22 Feb 2011 7:26 PM by Sazza Star rating in Peterborough (Jardin.... 48 forum posts Send private message

Hopefully sold, but thanks for looking

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