Car Insurance Claim

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07 May 2010 12:00 AM by izzbizz Star rating. 13 posts Send private message


I wonder if anyone can help / offer advice ???

almost 18 months ago a car ran through a stop sign and crashed into my car

thankfully my son and myself were unhurt but my car was off the road for 8 weeks and there was E1500 of damage

I had to pay the excess for the claim and am still waiting for this

the insurance company have been no help whatsoever

courtesy car - no  (took 8 weeks to get the car back)

getting the car towed to a garage - no

I have now given up writing and phoning them

they werent the cheapest as I wanted to know I could speak to someone in English should I be in the unfortunate position of having an accident

if I hear the old chestnut 'this is Spain - everything takes longer' one more time I think I will scream

am I being unreasonable ??

just dont know what I can do now

anyone out there been in this postition ?? and can offer some advice

just feel so annoyed that I am still seriously out of pocket and so inconvenienced at the time


Many Thanks


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07 May 2010 5:09 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

I can sympathise with you.

I had the same problem last summer (August!) when someone ran into the back of me.

I was insured with Liberty Seguros and the other car was with Mapfre.

I had to really bash heads together and get involved in the claims handling process.

I was told because my car was UK registered (although insured in Spain) I was outside the convenio to which insurance companies operate and they could take as long as they want to decide what to do and when to agree to fix my car.

Eventually Mapfre agreed to pay for the car repairs when I threatened legal proceedings. They settled with the garage directly.

I still have pending claims to which I continue to pursue. The idea is that you give up but not me!!

I suggest you get a lawyer familiar with insurance claims. My insurance company have agreed to lawyers handling part but the other part I will have to handle myself. 

I was told the exact same gibberish about things being done differently in Spain .........

What part of NOT MY FAULT don't they understand and I want every penny I had to spend as a consequence of the accident.

Spanish drivers!!!!!


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08 May 2010 4:28 PM by izzbizz Star rating. 13 posts Send private message

Hi Faro


many thanks for your reply

could you tell me what convenio is as the car I was driving at the time was Spanish

the car that crashed in to me admitted fault immediately - not that she had much option as it was witnessed by the guardia civil who supervise the school kids crossing the roads !

if there is something I can pursue myself I would prefer to try that route first

dont fancy the solicitors route as have been through several already over the past 5 years getting my house made legal from the old dodgy builder situation

have had my fingers well and truly burned and am several thousand euros worse off in the process

have absolutely no faith in the Spanish justice system

the insurers we used were Abbeygate and Tradewise are the underwriters

definitely not to be recommended

whats the point in paying premiums ??

whats the point in trying to do everything legal ??

OK rant over - feel much better for it


Kind Regards

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09 May 2010 8:17 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Did you keep the accident´s report and the number/name of causer´s Insurance policiy/company?


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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09 May 2010 9:51 AM by izzbizz Star rating. 13 posts Send private message

Hi Maria


yes we have all the original documentation from when this happened in the vague hope that something would be done

can you suggest anything ?

many thanks for showing an interest


Kind Regards 

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