Problems with President, Administrators and repairs been done.

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13 Jun 2010 12:00 AM by waoolis Star rating in Preston/Cabo Roig. 10 posts Send private message

 We have owned our apartment for around 7 months.


Anyway, I  have just learnt that the Lift is out of order and has been so for 4 weeks!


Obviously, this isnt good enough. I am fast learning that the president is useless and doesnt reply to mails and do anything.


I have been asked by the hotel reception to now chase the admin.

Is there anything I can do to speed up the process as the last thing I want is for people to be put off staying in our apartment due to the lift not working. Is there any rule or law that I can quote to the admin/president.


Any help will be appreciated



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14 Jun 2010 10:01 AM by raileng Star rating. 70 posts Send private message

Hi waoolis,

You could refer to the European union law for discrimination of disabled people. In the UK, it is known as the disability discrimination act (DDA). This law would require step free access for disabled people who cannot negotiate stairs etc. If your apartment block has only stairs (no ramps) and is supported by a lift for step free access requirements then the administrator will be responsible to ensure the lift is serviced in accordance with European standards and is made available for users such as disabled people. Of cause lifts require maintenance and can fail, measures then need to be taken to get the lift into service as early as possible unless some pre-planning has been arranged for major works when I would expect the Administrator would liaise with the President and Lift Company to pre-plan any major works on the lift by advising all owners/residents and making arrangements that avoid the need for a lift for visiting disabled people during that time. For resident disabled people, the President, Administrator and committee should plan a method of accommodating any disabled residents during the time the lift would be out of service.

I assume your community have sufficient funds to pay for the upkeep of the lift as this would be a problem if your community are not providing enough funds to service and maintain community services such as the lift.

Regards, raileng

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14 Jun 2010 10:41 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

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Is your development a touristic apartment complex?


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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14 Jun 2010 11:14 AM by waoolis Star rating in Preston/Cabo Roig. 10 posts Send private message

 Hi Maria,

Yes it is a tourisitc apartment complex.

@ raileng: Thanks for your suggestion. That info will hopefully help with my reply. As far as the community funding is concerned, AFAIK regular payments are being made.

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14 Jun 2010 11:17 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

There are two persons you need to approach:

Property administrator

Company for the touristic management of the complex



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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14 Jun 2010 11:38 AM by waoolis Star rating in Preston/Cabo Roig. 10 posts Send private message

 Thanks Maria,


I shall do some digging and shouting at someone!

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