Medical help Spain

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23 Mar 2011 12:00 AM by amatista Star rating. 440 posts Send private message

I have been resident in Spain since 1994, and live in Mijas-Costa. I have always paid social security until last October, when my ´paro´ or unemployment benefit stopped, after losing my job at Viva Estates in 2007. This year, in January, I had a melanoma removed. I used Xanit Hospital in Benalmadena as I have private health insurance with Medifiat.
I saw an oncologist yesterday at Quiron Hospital in Malaga, and he tells me he would prescribe interferon, which is a type of chemotherapy drug, to be injected at home over the next 12 months. I understand Medifiat will not cover the cost of this, as I will not be hospitalised for the treatment. The drug costs approximately €800 per month, which I cannot afford. The oncologist at private hospital told me he would write a report so I could go to my previous social security doctor for the drug, but I stopped paying into the system last October.
I am now feeling desperate, and I want to know, what rights I have to social security health care in Spain, having paid into the system since 1994? I only stopped paying last October when my unemployment benefit stopped. Am I still entitled to health care? I still have my social security card, but not sure if it is valid any more?
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Amatista

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23 Mar 2011 5:09 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

I'd have thought that you are still entitled to healthcare. I'd go & see your national health doctor & expain the situation. If possible get the private doctor to speak to the national health one. From my understanding from people on another site in Many regions of Andalucia everyone is entitled to healthcare , whether they pay in or not.


Todos somos Lorca.

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24 Mar 2011 9:59 AM by amatista Star rating. 440 posts Send private message

Thanks Gus .. I am going to see doctor today, Jane

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