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31 Jul 2012 10:36 PM by dianamc Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Has anyone heard about a new legislation due to come out in Spain about people who intend moving to Spain to live having to have a certain amount of money in the bank? Would appreciate some information as my husband and I plan on doing just that when we sell our house in UK

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01 Aug 2012 9:50 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Diana,  This is from an earlier post:-


This is the latest info regarding the requirements for EU Citizen Registration. 
At present I have no knowledge how the system is or will work in practice,
 1. Copia de pasaporte o documento nacional de identidad, válido y en vigor, del solicitante o copia de los mismos caducados y de la solicitud de renovación. 2. Tasa pagada (10.30 euros)
3. Los documentos que a continuación se detallan según los casos:
TRABAJADOR CUENTA AJENA.- Uno de los siguientes documentos: - Declaración de contratación del empleador
 Incluyendo nombre de la empresa, C.I.F. de la empresa, Código Cuenta Cotización en la SS de la empresa.
- Certificado de empleo
 - Contrato de trabajo registrado en el S.P. Empleo - Alta en la SS
 O bien consentimiento para la comprobación de datos en los ficheros de la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social.
TRABAJADOR CUENTA PROPIA.- Uno de los siguientes documentos:
 - Inscripción en el censo de actividades económicas.
- Inscripción del establecimiento mercantil en el Registro Mercantil. - Alta en la SS
 O bien consentimiento para la comprobación de datos en los ficheros de la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social.
NO TRABAJA.- Todos los documentos siguientes:
 - Seguro de enfermedad con cobertura durante su período de residencia equivalente a la proporcionada por el Sistema Nacional de Salud (pensionistas será suficiente con documento que acredite que tienen derecho a asistencia con cargo al Estado que le paga la pensión).
- Prueba de recursos suficientes (mínimo 5.007,81 euros)
­Posibilidad 1:·         Matrícula
·         Seguro de enfermedad o tarjeta sanitaria europea válida durante todo el período de residencia.
·         Declaración de que posee recursos suficientes.
Posibilidad 2:      Acreditación de ser participante en UE de intercambio educativo
1. Copy of passport or national identity card, valid and in force, of the applicant or copy of the same expired and the application for renewal. 2 Rate paid (10.30 euros) xx
3. The documents listed below as appropriate:
WORKER  employed
-one of the following documents:- employer recruitment statement
 Including company name, CIF of the company code account trading on the SS of the company.
-Certificate of employment
-Contract work registered in the employment S.P. - high in the SS
Either consent to the verification of data in the files of the General Treasury of the Social Security.
WORKER, self employed .- 
   one of the following documents:
-Registration on the Census of economic activities.
-Registration of the mercantile establishment in the mercantile registry. -High in the SS
Either consent to the verification of data in the files of the General Treasury of the Social Security.
 NOT working.              -all of the following documents:
 -Health coverage during their period of residence equivalent to that provided by the national system of health insurance
(pensioners will be accepted with documentation that certifies they are entitled to medical assistance, paid by the State which pays the pension).
-Proof of sufficient resources (minimum 5.007,81 EUR)
Method 1:
 • Registration
• Insurance of sickness or European health insurance card valid throughout the period of residence.
Declaration that he has sufficient financial resources.
Method 2:
Accreditation to be member in EU educational exchange

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01 Aug 2012 11:57 AM by dianamc Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Thanks for the reply so glad we don't need millions in the bank as pensioners I'm afraid that would be a no no lol

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01 Aug 2012 1:05 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

  As pensioners you will only need to show your pension income (which of course you will need to declare on a Spanish tax return each year after to register here)
You will of course also transfer your National Health cover from UK to Spain,  so that angle will also be covered.
Hope you enjoy Spain as much as I have over the past 25 + years

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01 Aug 2012 4:36 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Do you really think this is a good time to move to Spain? Don't be in a hurry to sell your house and burn your bridges. At least if you have your house you can rent a villa here for a few months each year and enjoy Spain without all the pain!

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01 Aug 2012 4:56 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

 in reply to camposol there is nothing wrong in moving to Spain now ( or when your house is sold) The weather here is much better than U.K all year round. However the winters are cold and most houses do not have central heating.  The cost of living is much cheaper, so long as you do not go to the British type shops and buy your British brands. However as a word of advice I would certainly not BUY a property now. I think the market has not bottomed yet. Also you need to understand the Spanish way of doing things which is totally different from the British and you will also avoid some of the pitfalls we all have made when we first came here. I would suggest that you rent a property for at least 6 months if not a year before thinking of buying. That way you will get to know the area and the way things are done. Also if you dont like the area then you just upsticks and move to another area. You should also go on a 'grand tour' of Spain and then you should find the area you like. Just remember to do your research. At the moment I personally would not convert my sterling (from the sale of your house) to euro. Just bring over enough for say 3 months and top it up as and when you need it.

Good luck and enjoy the good life we have over here but don't wear rose coloured glasses


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01 Aug 2012 5:02 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/08/2012.

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01 Aug 2012 5:21 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Having not lived, or even visited the UK for many years, I cannot comment from personal experience, on the relative cost of living in one country as opposed to the other,  However, this is a paragraph from a newsletter, due to be circulated to foreign property owners in Spain, in a few days. 
 It show the cost in several counties compared with the average for the EU (100).
From that it does not appear there is much difference between UK and Spain.
Denmark with 142 points and Sweden 138 points on a scale where the average is 100, are the most expensive EU countries. Germany is just above the average, with 103 points and UK is even closer at 102. Spain, with 97 points, is barely below, close to Greece 95. The cheapest of the EU countries is Bulgaria, at 51 points.
This another paragraph:-
Emigration from Spain
Spanish citizens are emigrating in increasing numbers. In the first half of this year 40,625 left the country to settle elsewhere, up 44% on the same period last year. The principal countries of settlement are UK, USA, Germany, Ecuador, and Venezuela.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/08/2012.

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01 Aug 2012 8:05 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Tut tut, John, you've just steered this thread WAY off topic....but now that you have (yeah, I know, it wasn't you) we might as well continue with the ol' chesnut that is UK v Spain for cost of living. It is a goodun'!

I just read something online about car insurnace in the UK. Apparently an average fully comp policy can now cost over £1500.  That's incredible if it's true. My (IMHO) distinctly average 2.0 litre motor costs me about €450 a year fully comp here. My annual road tax has been the same €80 for years. God kows how much rates are in Blighty now, but I just got my annual bill, expecting a massive hike due to the austerity measures etc., but was pleasantly surprised to find it had only gone up about €50 - to about €340. I don't know how much a TV licence runs to these days - I never had a TV in England so have never paid for a licence and can't imagine having to.

I wonder if car insurance, road tax, rates and TV licences are included in that survey's "basket"? I suspect not. Probably stuff like Big Macs and cans of Coke and other stuff we can't live without.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Aug 2012 8:56 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 I think you'll find that £1500 is before no claims discounts.  At least, I hope so.  Last year my insurance went from £340 to £372 even though I was with the same company.  My insurance here, which includes breakdown cover for which I was paying about £70 for in UK, is €350 for a 1.6.  I think a TV license costs £145 a year in UK but considering people will pay £500 a year for Sky it's not  too bad.  And the number of people here who pay 30 to 40 euros a month to get rebroadcast signals would also think it a bargain.  We have a sat dish but that cost the equivalent of 4 years license fee to get installed.

Well off the original topic, I know.  As the OP can glean from other threads, Spain has introduced rules saying you need to be able to support yourself and have medical cover.  Others have said this is against the EU rules but all these rules, if you read them, say "without prejudice to National Border Controls".  Anyway, it's for new residents and the amount required is quite low (I've seen €5,100 a year quoted which is only just over £4,000 a year).  If you don't get that, you shouldn't really be thinking about coming to live in a foreign country as electric, water, community charges, IBI etc would take a big chunk out of that even before you think of buying things like food.  

Again, to the OP, it's great here in Spain.  Still cheap (relatively), good lifestyle, good weather, good friends.  Property is very low at the moment (around where I used to live a one bed apartment has just sold for €36,000 (£28,000) and a really nice, 2 bed apartment on a good community with large sun terrace has just been sold for €52,000 (£41,000)).  Now, ask yourself, what would 41k buy you in UK?  Certainly not on a community with swimming pools, gardens and close to beaches?  Plus mortgages are not much more than half the UK rates if you need one (although they are difficult to get).  

If you do move over, try and bring quite a bit with you as household items can be quite expensive.  Well worth the 1500 quid or so to ship it over (No DFS, Harveys or Wilkos over here).  Fortunately, you don't buy the household goods every week.






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01 Aug 2012 9:19 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

"the amount required is quite low (I've seen €5,100 a year quoted which is only just over £4,000 a year). If you don't get that, you shouldn't really be thinking about coming to live in a foreign country"

 Excellent point! And you're spot on - our expenses last year, including electric, water, basura, phone & internet, IBI, community fees, home insurance, plus car tax, ITV and insurance (and a service) came to about €4,700 (couple living in a 2/2 town centre)




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Aug 2012 10:08 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The amount you have seen quoted is in the list of requirements which I copied below.:-   Proof of sufficient resources (minimum 5.007,81 EUR)

My last UK OAP was just over 1,000 euros. That was  for 4 weeks for me and my dependant wife.. 

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