changing the name on my endesa bill

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19 Aug 2012 2:02 PM by rowbotfj Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Does anyone know how to change the name on endesa bills

I have inherited a property in spain but the name on the bill is still in the name of the person who originally bought the property.

Because the property is older than 25 years endesa say that i need to have it rewired to obtain a certificate, then i will be able to change the name

Is there any way to change it online or pay the bill from an acount that is different from the name on the bill

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19 Aug 2012 4:44 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I managed to change the name on a property on the phone for my son.  The first time I tried the lady would not do it as the property was over 20 years old.  When I called again a few weeks later I got a guy (he was not as smart as the lady, no surprise there ! ) and he did the change.

Of course it is quite possible to keep the contract as it is and just change the direct debit.  Although you might have a probelm at sometime as of course the person who made contract would not be available.

My son has a property where the water contact is in the name of the previous owner,  The water company advised us not to change it as the charge for a new contract was quite high. The payments are taken from my son's account without any probelms.

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19 Aug 2012 4:52 PM by rowbotfj Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Thanks for the reply


Tried to change the direct debit over the phone and at the local office but now their new rules say that the direct debit has to be in  the same name as the contract holder

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19 Aug 2012 6:50 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Just get someone to pay it with cash. End of.


Todos somos Lorca.

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19 Aug 2012 8:28 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

 Hi There

I also inherited a property in 2008. My Notoria got a recognised Endesa Electrician to come out to my Apartment and give me a Boletin(Certified Certificate). Then she sent the paperwork into Endesa for me. Some time later I got a Final Bill for my Father and then a new Bill in my Name.I think Endesa charged me 112.47 Euros to change this Contract into my name.

Still trying to change the Water  Account over also with a Boletin including installation of a Larger Water Meter and a Non Return Valve. Judging from the Comments on this forum today,I  think I will also keep this Bill in my Father's Name. The Water Bills automatically come off my Bank Account by Direct Debit.



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19 Aug 2012 9:11 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar

 I've just gone through this, though with a bought property rather than an inherited property.  My lawyer explained that to get the bills in my name I'd have to have this electricity check by a recognised electrician (recognised by Endesa, of course).  Fortunately my wiring was modern enough, but I had to have a new anti-storm trip switch put into the fuse box.  I also had to have the outside meter updated which was the expensive bit (because they had to hack a new hole in the wall).  But then I got my clean bill of health and received my first bill from Endesa on Friday.  Silly, because ALL the rest of the street has the old style meter - I only needed a new one simply because of the new contract.  Sigh.


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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19 Aug 2012 9:19 PM by rowbotfj Star rating. 8 posts Send private message



Exactly the situation i am in except they will have to dig the street up as the meter is accross the road in another wall. going to cost a fortune.

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06 Aug 2014 1:01 PM by rowbotfj Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I now pay my bill online but the account is still in the name of the previous owner. There is an option online to change personal details, has anyone tried to use this option and if so do they ask for proof that the instalation is up to the latest regulations as i do not have a Boletin certificate

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