Water Rights

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12 May 2014 1:08 PM by miamiman Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Good Afternoon

I was wondering if any one could please let me know, in laymans terms, what the following mean and what the differences are between the following:

'Servidumbre de Acueducto'

Servidumbre de Desague'

Many thanks inadvance.



body p

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12 May 2014 1:49 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Easement of aqueduct '

Drain easement '

I think they relate to the right, to use a water supply and to use a drain, crossing land which one does not have a right to / ownership of. So maybe a water supply or drain can cross your land and ne ised by others,  or you can use those which cross other land

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13 May 2014 9:40 AM by miamiman Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Thank you Johnzx

I was aware of the loose meaning but I was hoping to have a more detailed description of the two phrases as I currently have a situation with a neighbour.

I think one of the phrases means water coming out of my neighbours land for drainage and the other supplying water to my neighbours land but before I approach him I wanted to be certain of my facts.







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13 May 2014 12:01 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


If you go onto El Blog De Maria Legal Tip 346 on this forum you will find some of what you ask.

Hope it helps you, but in the short it's the giving of a legal permission from a landowner to a water company to have access to install / maintain related facilities....Water.

You should get this throughly checked out by a solicitor just in case any "Improvements" to the water means something like a massive water pump or pumping station, as opposed to just a couple of plastic water pipes crossing over your land...If you have land. 

It's also to do with drainage from your house onto other peoples pathways / courtyards ect, but it could be a little bit more then just something as simple as a flow of water. 

PS...Forgot to add, as many have said on here...This is Spain after all....Suppose that means....Whats spoken, and being legal today...Might not be tomorrow......Wisest words ever spoken.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 13/05/2014.

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13 May 2014 1:30 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


'Servidumbre de Acueducto'

Servidumbre de Desague'

is what I said it is.  If that is qualified, then the whole of the info regarding that is needed to understand its context.

Bit like saying UK,   ‘Right of Way"  without the qualifying sentences it means almost nothing.

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14 May 2014 7:38 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

14 May 2014 8:58 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Good post Maria, thats what it's all about, the correct and proper legal advice from someone who really  knows, has to be the correct way of going about problems rather then dumb guess work.

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15 May 2014 5:37 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Thanks Baz! It is being a pleasure and..... years of legal tips for you, EOS members!


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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