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01 Jul 2015 2:21 PM by clg1972 Star rating. 47 posts Send private message



Has anyone got any experience of using a NOW TV Box (or similar that they can reccomend)? Was thinking of getting one for the house, as we currently watch tv via the Laptop n HDMI cable into the telly via FilmON - which I'm sure you all know can be slow at times. Would getting this box resolve those issues, or even resolve the issue of needing to bring a laptop with me every time. I assume that there is no monthly subscription charge? I wont need any other channels other than the normal freeview (BBC1,2,3, ITV !,2, C4, C5 etc) - its just nice to have a night in watching tv after a hard day on the beach and I do love my soaps!. Would this be the best solution?. I do not have ASDL access so am using wifi through a router? you've probably guessed im not very techy!


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02 Jul 2015 8:48 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Hi Clg1972

The NOW TV box is a product from Sky television and yes there is a basic monthly subscription £9-00 I think. Also the product wouldn't work in Spain without hiding your IP address (VPN service) So this box is probably not what you are looking for.

There has been much debate on this forum over the last year about the merits of the android tv boxes, I and many others don't particularly like them but it's probably the only way you will get the tv you want without subscription.

If you have a wireless router you do have ADSL you can connect devices to the network either wirelessly or via a network cable.




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