Who said lawyer isn´t liable?

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03 Dec 2016 6:13 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

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Case Law in Spain has already declared liabilities of conveyance lawyers who assisted clients in off plan purchases when clients lack Bank Guarantees

Depending on possibilities of proving (1) effective damages arising from this lack and (2) direct cause-effect relationship between the damage and the negligence, indemnization amount varies

  • If a buyer lacking an individual Bank Guarantee or Insurance Title has been able to obtain the refund using the General Bank Guarantee action but this has caused additional costs, these additional costs plus fee once paid to their legal advisors can be claimed against the Lawyers´ indemnity insurance
  • If a buyer lacking individual Bank Guarantee or Insurance Title has been able to obtain the refund using action against bank where payments were made but again, this has involved additional costs, an action against Lawyers’ indemnity insurance can be played for the refund of all the additional costs and fees paid in it’s time to the conveyancers
  • If a buyer has no action against any Bank because it is not possible to locate where payments were made, and a conveyancing lawyer was used, an action for all paid amounts plus legal interests and costs, and refund of fee and associated costs is claimable against the lawyer´s indemnity insurance

Banks liabilities are stronger as there is an special law covering these situations and stating liabilities of Banks in regards to protection of off plan deposits, but…. if you hired a lawyer and due to his lack of diligence, rights of law 57/68 cannot be played, he is liable. To more or less extent depending on how strong your rights using Law 57/68 are or can be.

For more info you can look at Costaluzlawyers litigation service


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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03 Dec 2016 7:11 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

For 'played' read 'made' ?

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13 Feb 2017 10:09 AM by gill_malouf Star rating in Stockport, Cheshire. 201 posts Send private message


Can anyone advise me on whether a solicitor needs a Power of Attorney to deal with the initial Private Purchase contract of offplan purchases?

It has just dawned on me that the Andalucian Dream Home fed solicitor I was directed to did not arrange a notary appointment for the PoA, and failed to provide an individual guarantee (they didn't tell me anything).

Thanks to Maria I plan to take the matter further because I have endured expenses and many years of additional stress (no doubt once this matter concludes there will be unpaid interest from August 2004 when the offplan deposit was handed over. To add insult to injury the director of the solicitors I was initially directed to loves pointing out his successes (naturally) and pointing out other competitors failings!

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13 Feb 2017 2:52 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

Is Maria acting for you?. If not who is?.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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13 Feb 2017 9:34 PM by gill_malouf Star rating in Stockport, Cheshire. 201 posts Send private message

Hi, originally I was introduced to a very expensive solicitor in Alicante, and then went to Maria in around 2009/2010. The conveyancing solicitor is still based in Fuengirola and various 'oversights' were made that are now causing me significant distress - especially as I was widowed in 2010.  

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13 Feb 2017 10:09 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

Asking for legal advice on a general internet forum is not always the wisest root. Posts and information can be well meaning but inaccurate and misleading. Members are mostly not qualified to give this type of information.

It would appear you already have a relationship with Maria who is qualified and I think she would be the most appropriate person to seek advice from.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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