This is the latest police advice to visitors in Spain:

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23 Mar 2017 9:30 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

This is the latest advice being supplied by the police in Spain to residents and visitors:-  

Keep hold of your handbag and protect your wallet on public transports and in crowded areas (street markets, shows, performances. etc...).

Take care of your camera or video camera in amusement or recreation areas.

Take only essentials when you go to the beach or a swimming pool.

If you are using a vehicle, lock any valuables out of sight.

As far as possible, avoid isolated or badly lit places.

Beware of suspicious offers of " help" ("help" with stains on clothes. " problems" with your car, etc).   Thieves know clever tricks to steal from you.

Do not take part in gambling or buy "bargains" in the street. It will nearly always be a confidence trick or a swindle.

At your hotel or apartment
Do not leave keys, money or other valuables lying around. Make use of the safe.
In communal areas (reception, restaurants, swimming-pools) cake care of your luggage and personal belongings (handbags, cameras,  etc).

If you are a victim of crime and need immediate assistance, ask for help by calling 091 (Police).

(NB you  cannot make a 'Crime Report' to an officer in the street)

Reporting a crime: 

Most police stations do not have an interpreter service,  but you can supply the initial information by phone by calling  902 102 112 (several languages are spoken) after which you must go to a  National Police Station nominated by you, it may be anywhere in Spain, to sign the report and pick up a copy.

We really do care about your SAFETY !



This message was last edited by johnzx on 23/03/2017.

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