What's the rental market like in the Marbella/Puerto Banus/Calahonda areas?

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13 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by Sandra_and_Stuart Star rating in Kent, England. 3 posts Send private message


I am new to this site and wondered if anyone has any views on the above.  We are in the early stages of thinking of buying a one or two bed property (probably an apartment) and want to know what the possible rental income might be/what areas are better.  Can someone give me a realistic view of what they have achieved in terms of income and what companies they have used to rent or manage the property.

We are going out to Calahonda for a few days in June with a view to viewing potential properies so let me know if you have anything in the Marbella area for sale.

Many thanks

Sandra and Stu



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14 Jan 2008 9:52 AM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Hi Sandra and Stu.

Its a little difficult to answer your ad without blantently advertising which members are not really allowed to do. Your spec is rather wide as it really depends what you want to do and what your longer term view is. Are you wanting to let it out all year around or just summer times and peak periods leaving other times for personal use. Do you have to let it out to cover your mortgage and costs. Do you want to retire to the property in dues course? What is your budget and what income do you have to support it in the event of not getting any rentals.

Ideally if you make a list of what you are looking for, then it would be easier to identify the property and area and this way instead of traipsing all over the place you can concentrate on where you want to be.

Hope this helps.


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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14 Jan 2008 5:55 PM by Sandra_and_Stuart Star rating in Kent, England. 3 posts Send private message

We have done some research and can be quite specific, namely:

- an apartment on a complex over 70m2

- at least one bedroom

- sea and mountain views or marina situation

- looking for a resale and don't want to buy off plan

- we are looking for proven rental yields

- we can let short and long term all year

- would need property management

- no need for finance

- must have capability for broadband internet access



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14 Jan 2008 7:12 PM by Lisa Halmshaw Star rating in Leeds. 17 posts Send private message


Ive just purchased in Calahonda, and rented it out long term for 750 euro per month for a 2 bed apt.  Not sure about short term tho!

Lisa x

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14 Jan 2008 7:20 PM by Sandra_and_Stuart Star rating in Kent, England. 3 posts Send private message

Hi Lisa

Thanks for the response back. 

Well done on completing and getting a long term rental sorted out.  I would love to get more details on where in Calahonda you purchased and what company you used to rent out and how you intend to manage the property.  Also how you went about purchasing - did you go through an agency?  If you want to post a private reply that's fine.

Any info would be really welcome.


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15 Jan 2008 2:24 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar
Rentals are good alternative. Government is promoting them and creatinn new ways: such as rentals with an option to buy in the future.

There are good products to protect the rental from litigation in Courts and submitt them to arbitration and to secure the payments of the rents.

Let us enjoy the future to come!



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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22 Jan 2008 8:36 AM by chelseaphil Star rating in near Mojacar. 25 posts Send private message

As I run a website for rental property in Spain. I think I can say that you would be advised to purchase a two bedroom property.  This is because a two bedroom property will appeal to a much greater target audience. Groups of 2, 4 and even 6 if you add in a sofa bed. The difference in price between a one bedroom and a two bedroom apartment is not massive.

The Calahonda area is very popular especially the Miraflores complex.  Obviously Marbella is great but probably costs more to buy there.
However, marketing your property poorly will result in few bookings.  Photos of the property should contain at least 4 of the interior. People want to see what they are getting for their money.  The photos should be very good quality and in landscape format for greater impact.  DO NOT BE GREEDY with rental rates.  Do some research to what others are charging in the same area. 

Regardless of how special your may think your property is.  People who rent it will mostly only see it as somewhere to stay for a week or two.  Most of their time will be spent outside of the property.  Target 20 weeks a year for bookings and look into a long let for the winter months. If for no other reason than security. 

Advertise on at least two rental websites and maybe a few local forums. Many of the forums are free.  But paying anything from £75  to  £200 for a couple of adverts is cheap advertising for a year. You will recoup most of it from just one booking.

Finally make sure you take on a Property Manager that has been recommended to you. Like most things in the service industry there are people out there that are not reliable.

Good luck with your venture. Phil

www.rentingspain.co.uk Established since 2001

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22 Jan 2008 10:30 PM by jack2874 Star rating in England. 4 posts Send private message

** EDTIED ** Commercial post

Best Regards Scott        &nb...

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21 Apr 2008 2:30 PM by matthejarrett1 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Please respect terms of posting **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 4/21/2008.

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21 Apr 2008 9:41 PM by LunnB Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

We are thinking of renting out our property  in La Hacienda (Benahavis) after completion, most probably on a long term contract and wonder if anyone can recommend a rental company. We have been in touch with Crystal Shore but need further advice if possible. Any information would be gladly received. Has any one had dealings with Crystal Shore?

Lynn and Phil
































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23 Apr 2008 4:59 PM by lasiesta Star rating in Costa del Sol. 58 posts Send private message


I run a rental business in the Mijas Costa area for long term lets. The rental market is still quite good as many people cannot afford to purchase anything at the moment. However before you purchase anything let me give you some advice from my own experience:

1 bed properties are very difficult to rent. There is not much demand for these properties as most people, even on their own, would like an additional bedroom for guests. Expect to get around 500 euros a month for a 1 bed - if you're lucky!

The problem with 2 bed properties is the amount available. There are so many 2 bed properties available for rent so people have a vast choice which drives the monthly rental price down. However if your property is of a high quality then you can demand more.

At the moment we have a property rented at the top of Calahonda in Las Palmeras for 900 euros a month. This is a very large 2 bed apartment which is beautifully furnished. We have previously rented another 2 bed for 750 euros in Calahonda. However we have also had properties in Riviera (2 beds) that have gone for 550 euros and 625 euros a month.

Calahonda is a very popular place but rental properties are harder to come by than somewhere like Riviera or Miraflores so prices are usually that little bit higher.

For a good idea on rental prices look at the Sur in English (available online)

"Selling "points on a rental property are:-

SKY TV - first thing all our english tenants ask is "does it have sky?". When you are looking to buy see if SKY can be installed. Alot of complex's have communal systems, some better than others. Miraflores do not allow satellite dishes and have their own system.  However this only has around 10 channels. This is fine for a short term let but people who live here want more! We find it harder to rent a property here long term because of this. (it is also the same for spanish and german tv).   

Storage rooms - always a good selling point as people seem to have so much stuff!

Internet/telephone - Some places it is very hard to get a telephone connection/ADSL. I was recently told by telefonica in Calahonda that getting a phone line in any property past the toll road was extremely difficult - at least a 6 month waiting list! When you're buying check to see if you can get a phone line and don't just take the agents word for it but ring telefonica and they should be able to tell you.

Air-con - this is a good selling point.

Furnished properties rent much easier than un-furnished but it is imperative that the property looks nice. Keep in neutral and clutter free. Also ground floors seem quite popular as many people have children and/or pets but ensure it has good security such as shutters or rejas (security grills). Miraflores do not allow pets. People also like to be close to shops etc. Parking is also a big priority for alot of people, ideally a garage space or at least a gated community with ample parking. Complex's in Calahonda which are quite popular are Medina del Zoco, Calahonda Golf and Gran Calahonda. Also the Jardines de Calahonda area is beautiful.

Long term contracts are for 11 months. It can be hard to get a 6 month winter let.

Obviously alot of these points would also apply if you intend to rent short term. There are many sites available where you can advertise the property directly. You would however need a cleaner, point of contact etc in Spain. Many companies will say that they can rent your property for X amount of weeks per year however this is not always the case. Before we moved to Spain we used to rent out our apartment short term and only achieved 6-8 weeks a year. Also by the time you deducted cleaning and laundry costs it wasn't a huge amount of profit.

Whatever your long term plans are remember that problems do occur with properties whilst they are rented so it is important that you always have funds available to cover unexpected additional costs. Common problems we have experienced are electrical items breaking, damp and blocked drains.

Hope this helps and good luck. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask.

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