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01 Apr 2008 12:00 AM by promedia Star rating in Cheshire/Riviera del.... 134 posts Send private message

On our complex we have 5 or 6 pet owners (10% of properties) it has been suggested that we propose at the AGM to become a PET FREE COMMUNITY.

With numerouse recurring problems regarding barking dogs, cats left at home while owners are away or at work for long periods, pets let loose in the gardens and garages and these being used as pet toilets, with no cleaning up after their pets etc etc 

Our new cleaners are also intimating that they want more money if their job now involves cleaning pet mess up, should any/can any surcharge be passed to pet owners only??

We have spoken personally and written to the offending owners, put signs up to remind pet owners not to let their dogs/cats mess in the garages ( its never their own is it???), this has had some success from the responsible owners, but a couple of people are still being just lazy, spoiling it for others and persist on ignoring any community rules on pets. So a number of the other owners have had enough and want to take things a stage further and ban pets all together from the community!

Obviously current owners will have to be allowed to keep their pets, but under a new ruling could not replace them.

Has any other community got fed up with irresponsible and lazy pet owners and taken this action with any success or done something else?

Is it actually legal and could it be passed as an "interior rule" and enforced???

Any useful experiences or thoughts on this would be appreciated.


Ian Cook - Golf Gardens Miraflores - The best place to live on the Costa del Sol

"A day without sunshine is like.................night"

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01 Apr 2008 3:27 PM by SophieRF Star rating in Quesada. 62 posts Send private message

Hi I do know of some communities who have voted a no pets rule, however if these proprties are rentals the owners often forget to let their tenants know about this rule and so pets end up on these communities anyway.


I think it is a shame to take such action and not allow any pets, the owners should pick up the mess and try to keep control of their animals, but at the same time dogs will bark it what they  do, and usually they dont bark for no reason, one day they could save the ccommunity from a break in.


Best of luck.


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01 Apr 2008 9:29 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1474 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

I think you may find that the community can only control the community areas, and I don't think that includes the inside of someone's home.

Animal mess is an infuriating problem, we have a current problem with a person who breeds pigeons on his ( private ) solarium on top of our block of apartments. We have a community rule that states pet owners must clear up after their pets and must cause no harm or disturbance to others but this does not happen with regards to the pigeon droppings which are scattered liberally all over the place, not to mention the feathers. The pigeons fly several times a day and perch on other people's and community property.

There have been several written complaints and the matter was brought up at 2007 AGM when the community voted to take legal action to get the pigeons removed. The owner asked for a meeting with the community Lawyer and the Presidente ( my husband ) before this action to discuss the situation and the owners agreed.

Well, the 2008 AGM is on May 5th and despite several appointments being made, the owner has not attended a meeting and now he refuses to do so.

The amount of pigeons has increased and so has the mess. I don't doubt the owner has, as he says, licences to keep the birds, however he is not prepared to let anyone see them.

We have several discontented owners and one specifically who can no longer use his apartment because of allergies which are worsened by the pigeon dropping and feathers ( his apartment is very near the pigeons) and the whole thing is very fustrating.

I'm sure 'human rights' would raise it's ugly head in the matter of a pet free community..........................and more worrying........if the kids are noisy and a we vote for a kid free community.................or do we find a compromise??

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
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02 Apr 2008 10:26 AM by promedia Star rating in Cheshire/Riviera del.... 134 posts Send private message

thanks for these comments and thoughts,

Pet Free....Kids theres a nice idea! ...........but i dont want to go into an old people home for a good few years yet!!!!!!


Ian Cook - Golf Gardens Miraflores - The best place to live on the Costa del Sol

"A day without sunshine is like.................night"

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02 Apr 2008 11:50 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
On our community we also have problems with barking dogs and dog mess.  It's horrible and I don't know why people don't clean up after their dogs. One day I'm going to do a poo outside the door of one of these owners and see if they like it.

Now, I don't know if it's because our local police are a bit bored, but if a dog barks all the time you can actually report it to the local police and they will sort the problem out. 

Worth a try too. It's difficult to get a community to agree on no pets.  Would that mean no fish either??  My kids would be most upset



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