Wages in Spain

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10 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by COSMO Star rating in Gateshead and Costa.... 46 posts Send private message


My family and I are moving to Polop on the Costa Blanca in June.

I work as a taxi driver in England.

My intention is to spend half the month in Spain then for me to return to work in England for the rest of the month.

Hopefully this will only be temporary until I can find work in Spain.

I've got a PSV license so will be looking to get a driving job.

How difficult will it be to find  a coach driving job? and does anyone know what kind of wages they roughly pay?

Any sort of info will be much appreciated.



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11 Feb 2009 5:42 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Work is not easy in Spain at present times... maybe I am advising without being asked but... I would encourage you, for youir family safety, to make your numbers before moving. 


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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11 Feb 2009 11:17 AM by Acky Star rating. 58 posts Send private message

Cosmo.  It is a big decision to come and live in Spain with your family...and today..unfortunately the facts are that the goalposts have moved from that of years past.

Obviously, the first point of contact to look at is the Euro.  And its demise.  (1.50) to as low as £1/1euro.

Secondly work.  As in Britain..and the rest of the world..work in Spain has dried up and the unemployment rate has risen dramatically.

So, without all the doom and gloom (not my doing) let's look at a few positive pointers.

Spain can be an enjoyable experience..but there are pitfalls to look out for..like everywhere else.

Action points are to do your homework..and don't kid yourself..like others in the past have and are now paying the consequences...packed job up in UK..moved to Spain,,now jobless, skint, gone back to Britain, nowhere to live in the UK, house for sale in Spain (can't sell) - dream shattered.


Make sure that you don't burn all your bridges, and don't quit your job (lucky to have one) and come searching for one in Spain (believe me, you will be vey lucky to get one at this time)

I know Polop and it is a very nice area.  But ask yourself, will you find work here in Spain?  Even if it is only for 6 months...and then go back to the UK to pick up the pieces.

Sorry that this sounds negative..but from what I have seen other people suffer..it is fact. 

I tell it as is is, despite knockings by others for my comments.  I live in the real world..not the 'dream world'

Good Luck.



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11 Feb 2009 1:29 PM by The Sheriff Star rating in Rojales, Quesada. 31 posts Send private message


Unfortunately Acky is right here.  I know because I have lived in Spain nearly 5 years but have been commuting Spain/UK every weekend (with 1 in 6 off as it is too tiring) since September 2008 otherwise we would have gone under.  You are right to keep your job in UK as again being blunt you will need it.  Jobs in Spain are like rocking horse s**t at the moment.  I don't mean to dampen your spirits but this is FACT.  You will not get a driving job with a spanish company unless you are fluent in spanish on top of which Spain has the highest unempoyment rate in Europe at over 15% so the spanish will get the jobs first.  However check with the english companies in your area as they may be looking for drivers etc.   Most families when they first come over do property management in various guises.  If you are on a new Urbanisation this should be fairly simple as most properties are holiday homes and people want someone to look after their investment and their tenants if they rent them out etc.  This is a good starter role but you are on call 24/7 !!!  Another nice little earner is Airport Taxi runs linked to this but of course this is illegal (cough cough !!) and allegedy if the spanish Taxi Drivers catch you they'll give you a good kicking !!! although I don't know anyone this has actually happened to (alot of people make good money doing this) .    As Acky - I do not in any way mean to dampen your spirits but is important you know the facts.  The average wage in Spain is about 1000 euros per month which is below min wage in UK so another area to get your head round !!!!  Also the £ to Euro rate is always a risk as it fluctuates so much recently but is worth a lot less that even 6 months ago.

HOWEVER on the plus side !  I am more than happy to commute to support my family (incidentally my wife has 3 different jobs in SPain to make ends meet !!).  I can sleep at night KNOWING 100% I am doing the best for my kids.  They are bilingual, have a fantastic education and a lifestyle even I'm jealous of.  I would never bring my kids up in the UK - PERIOD.  In my humble opinion you are making the right move to Spain but it will not be easy.  The best advice I had was "the first 12 months is the hardest" and it was !!  You will have lots of arguments that normally end with "that's it we're going back !"  I would also strongly advise as per Maria's e-mail that you have at least 1 to 2 years money to back you up.   

I hope this has not dampended your spirits in anyway but life in Spain comes at a price (even without a recession) that if you are a 30-40 something it is a hard existence but a great lifestyle for the kids !!!  Acky is also right in that I know quite a few families who have had to go back to UK as they cannot get work.  therea re actually more people going back to UK than coming to Spain at the moment.  It upsets me that alot of these people don't want go back as they and their kids are happy in Spain but have no choice.  The other harsh reality is these people cannot sell their properties so are going back to UK with literally nothing.  If you can try and rent a house rather than buy !!   I wish I had !!! 

Good Luck my friend - I genuinely wish you all the very best !!

There is only one Sheriff !!

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11 Feb 2009 1:55 PM by Acky Star rating. 58 posts Send private message

Thanks for the backing Sherrif - as I've had a rough ride from some threads for speaking my mind/experiences in Spain, which are not meant to wind folk up, but appear to have done so in some instances.

Cosmo: With ref people wanting somebody to look after their investment and their tenants if they rent them out etc.  On most Urbanisations this role has already been snapped up!  As is the Airport Taxi run earners - which The Sherrif quite rightly points out is illegal.

As The Sherrif says..Good Luck mate, you'll definitely need it. 

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11 Feb 2009 6:48 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Agree with all the previous comments - chance of getting a job driving coaches in Spain? Somewhere between zero and nil. You could possibly try the car hire companies to see if you can get a job driving a shuttle bus at the airport, but as already said, jobs have never been easy to come by and are MUCH harder right now. Forget taxi work here, too. "if the spanish Taxi Drivers catch you they'll give you a good kicking !!! although I don't know anyone this has actually happened to (alot of people make good money doing this)" Just to clarify, you should NOT go looking for work giving illegal taxi drivers a good kicking, either! I don't know anyone personally who this has happened to, but I have witnessed it - and it's not just foreign moonlighters who are targeted, but often simply other Spanish (legal) taxis from outta town! Definitely not worth getting involved.

On a positive note, it's good that you are not burning your bridges in the UK and can "commute" for the time being. Make sure you book plenty of flights well in advance to get the best prices. Just out of curiosity, where do you ply your trade? I thought the business was pretty slack now due to the economic climate etc?



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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12 Feb 2009 12:17 AM by COSMO Star rating in Gateshead and Costa.... 46 posts Send private message

Maria, Acky, The Sheriff and Roberto,

Thanks for the honest replies(can't knock honesty)

Taken on board what you have said.Didn't think it would be easy getting a job which is why I'm prepared to commute back to UK.

Coming across 31st March -4th April. Arranged to see English run company who do airport shuttles.(fingers crossed).

Also putting a deposit down on a long term rental.

The wife keeps telling me I'll get sick of commuting  on a three hour flight every two weeks but can it be any worse than sitting in a car for 10 hours a day-(more on a weekend) at least this way I will get to spend more time with the kid's instead of the hour at night as i do at present.

Once again many thanks.

PS. I work in the Gateshead area,the work has gone downhill at the minute but the town centre is being regenirated so hopefuly it will be better in the future.

Just have to put more hours in while in the UK ,which I won't mind ,knowing I will have two weeks off in Spain.


This message was last edited by COSMO on 2/12/2009.


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12 Feb 2009 9:31 AM by Acky Star rating. 58 posts Send private message

Cosmo.  In life we have to put everything into perspective.  And, at the end of the day 'you only live once'

So, as long as you don't wear 'blinkers' - go for it - but heed all the advice given.

As you state..You are trying to make time out for the kids, which is a credit to you, with so many parents passing up on this today.

Hope yo get the nod for the airport shuttle run - and that 2009 is the new beginning that you and your family desire.

It won't be easy, but whoever said that life was easy.  It's just that some folk seem to have it easier than others.

Keep yer chin up.  But do keep tabs on your cash!  

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16 Mar 2009 9:16 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Cosmo Hi;

Sorry to be a wet blanket but I think you will find that a UK PCV licence is not valid in Spain other than for driving UK based coaches visiting Spain...even if its a part of a DVLA issued EU photocard type.

It may be worth investigating this further; (but not through DVLA because they wont tell you zip and even if they do it will be duff gen...)

In any event there are many Driving Schools over here offering PCV and LGV courses and it might just be a case of a conversion course. (Trying to find one that offers an English Language version however might be another story...). As a professional driver however a Spanish Issued Licence would be mandatory...I have heard though that the Spanish PCV test is a b*tch...much much stiffer than the UK one which is hard enough!

I don't know if ALSA (formerly Alsina Graells) coaches operate in the area that you are moving to, but they are now part of National Express. They appear to have ongoing vacancies for drivers (according to their website...) Their fleet is composed entirely of Merc powered Setra coaches immaculately maintained in 12 ,13 and 14 metre lengths. The larger coaches are tag axled with front and rear steering to prevent tyre scrub.

Another thing that might be a bit off putting is that many of the City Bus operators use Bendibuses some I believe are up to 18 metres long...

The other thing is of course that they would expect you to be over here 24/7/365 not just six months each year...

Like I said, sorry to be a wet blanket but unless you are prepared to go the whole hog it looks like coaches are a non-starter.





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