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16 Apr 2013 1:37 PM:


I run the Propsavvy property website in London and I'm here as these topics are my areas of interest, obviously. 

I appreciate your decision to drive around and spend a couple of nights in differrent areas and finally fix a property. Actually this will help you find the property that best suits you and reasonable for you.

My advice would be, once you find the right property just call upon a Property Agent or Realtor nearby and enquire on the property whether its been tied up with some legal issues or any hoax. Because you will not be told all the legal issues etc by the owner or anyone else. But a property agent will be dealing with all these issues and will be much aware of properties in their area. And also with the agent dealings all the legal policies regarding property buying will be smoothly done, which otherwise can lead to disputes and clashes if there are ditches in the legal procedures when done alone.




Thread: Looking for Estate agent suggestion /recomendations please. Rural property


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