First Mascletá of Fallas 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 @ 12:29 PM
This the the first mascletá of Fallas 2013.
Every day at 14:00 in the Plaza de Ayuntamiento from the 1st of March through to the 19th of March a Mascletá is held. It is best to get there early as the crowds build up very quickly. If you manage to get close enough you will experience something rather special, the smell of gunpowder and the vibrations and noise is quite overwhelming. One thing you need to make sure you don't do, is cover your ears with your hands, you might actually hurt yourself. The trick is to keep your mouth open so you don't hurt your ear drums! Sounds like madness I know but I can assure you, it is!!
And this was the mascleta for "La Crida" in February just before Fallas officially started! It means "the calling",
ie. the City is summoning everyone to the celebrations of Fallas.