Let there be lights!
Monday, February 21, 2011 @ 2:45 PM
A lovely start to the week this week, shopping for a lighting pack for some new clients. Our Spanish supplier Ana always wants to chat, and it´s a great opportunuty to practise my technical Spanish. I have to say when I started night school in Scotland over 6 years ago, vocab such as "circuit breaker" , "uplighter" and "spotlights" didn´t feature in the weekly lessons!
Every day brings new challenges, one of which is getting my tounge around the words in the correct order! But practicse really DOES make perfect, so if you are having lessons, hang in there and don´t give up.. use it every chance you get!
As it is nearly 2pm, I have to dash to collect the kids from their school, Siglo XXI in the port, and then a spot of lunch before going back into the office later on. The working day here takes a bit of getting used to, as does the fact that many places still close for siesta from 2pm until 5pm. Ah, the slower pace of life..it has a lot to recommend it.
We have clients over for Feb half term, so a busy week for us, and luckily the weather is holding with the lovely mild winter continuing. Long may it last.
Hasta Pronto!