Catching up !!
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 6:28 PM
I can't believe it's so long since I posted on my blog...............where does the time go ??
Just proves that I must have been a bit busy 
Anyway, on with the catching up.............
Finances.................the Community now has some money in the bank
.............we are spending nothing/nada/ zilch on anything at all, other than essential utility bills and paying off debts ! As the pool is closed, this has cut down even further on water and electricity bills. It's gonna be a long haul and I reckon it'll take us about 8 months to get completely straight, but it'll all be worth it in the long run !
Backlash................still nothing !!!
Community spirit................lots of volunteers beavering away with sweeping up, litter picking and garden weeding, bless 'em 
Y la presidenta!!!???..............I have been busy personally with the Municipal Ordinances which I mentioned in my last post. This is a 33 page document which covers every nuisance known to man, including the dreaded dogs !! It took me nearly two weeks to translate it all !! I now have the most salient points published in both languages on the Community website together with an appeal to all to comply with the Ordinances and an encouragement to those still suffering to complain to the Ayuntamiento. If you're interested have a look at which also has a link to the full 33 page PDF document. (This document covers all the Canary Islands, but I'm sure there must be a similar document for the mainland)
I also thought it would be a good idea to have an advertisements page on the Community website, so I've done that as well. It's only been there a couple of days and there's one advert already.
On a practical note...................... I now know where everything is !! I altered the timer on the street-lights when the clocks altered without any problem, I know where all the valves are for the garden irrigation system. I know where all the fuse boards are and what controls what. I know where all the "Telefonica stuff" is. The swimming-pool pump-house now looks a bit less like Concorde's cockpit and more like something I will eventually understand now that I've translated all the Spanish labels in to English !!!
I think that's about it folks.....................back to plotting and scheming to see how we can somehow manage to get the pool re-opened for next summer !!!
Take care all