Supermarket Locker Scam in Barcelona and FREE EBOOK
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 @ 11:51 AM
As promised in my previous post, I will continue to post up different scams that I am coming across or hearing about from friends in the city, in other words scams that ARE ACTUALLY HAPPENING right now and that people need to be aware of.
Everytime I come across a new scam (hopefully not too often) I am posting it up on this blog and also updating my book.
PS I have put my book Barcelona Scams for FREE on Amazon for one day today (22nd May) so please download it and if you wanted to leave a nice review this would be very helpful as it will obviously help it get noticed by more people.
The supermarket locker scam (for lack of a better way of naming it)
Basically people are starting to copy the keys that come with the lockers outside large supermarkets. I have heard it happen twice now already, once at Carrefour and once at Consum.
They watch you placing your belongings inside the lockers, wait until you have locked it and walked into the supermarket and then open your locker with their copied key, which they copied earlier that day.
This is probably not a new scam and may be present in some other cities, but it is definitely happening here in Barcelona right now.
Please tell people to watch out for these people when they are using the lockers. I know that is what the security is there for, but perhaps it is just safer not to take belongings to a supermarket.