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Hiking in Almeria, Spain PART 2
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @ 2:48 PM
From Las Menas to Serón Railway Station via Serón
My last blog I didn't explain much about Serón. Follow the link below my wife posted to find out more.

After hiking about 1 km down the main road, there is a turning on the left signed Serón . Follow this narrow winding road down to the out skirts of Serón . This road is said by locals to have been built on the bones of slaves a thousand years ago.
You are now entering the built up area of Serón. A small plaza where all the cars are parked is on theright and 3 roads off of it. Follow the road in front. Directly in front of you is a very small but nice bar called La Cochera, pop in here because by now you will be in need of some refreshment, the landlord and landlady, are friends of mime, speak a small amount of English and will make you very welcome.
After you have had a rest, come out of the bar turn right and right again and following the road you were on earlier, about 100 meters on this road it becomes quite steep, just there is a road on the right up to the castle. Where views are stunning, with a stairway up to the castle that is open all year round.
At the castle car park there is a small path which takes you down to the main Plaza where all the fiestas are held, there is a great Bar/resturant here if you feel the need to stop again.

The road carries on down to a main road. At the main road turn left, there are footpaths here, following the road for about 300 meters a road on the left signed Los Zoilas/Sams Bar will appear, take it. This is my old bar but the new people are very friendly and will make you very welcome.
The bar is in the sport centre, if not stopping for a drink here carry on past the sport centre without entering the main gate, but carry on down the road. At the bottom there is a rambler(river bed), normally no water, cross over and carry on up the dirt track.On the left is a tarmac road up to some houses, just pass them is the old railway track, now it is a public walk way. Turn onto the via verde(green highway)and then left towards the old railway station. This is where the cable car ended. The station was closed in the 1970s and now has a bar open in the summer months, also Serón holds an annual childrens activity weekend here every year which is free. Here is the end of our hike.
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