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Burglaries on the increase in Spain

Discussion on Burglaries in Spain which seem to be on the increase

Burgalries in Spain on the increase
Tuesday, July 7, 2015 @ 1:46 PM

It seems burglaries in Spain are on the increase.  The development where we have a home is being attacked almost weekly.  In some cases we all know who the criminals are, but there is little that can be done legally.  It is putting decent people off living in Spain, and wanting to sell up, even though they do not necessarily have to, like us for example, we just do not want to live in fear of our home being broken into all the time.  Investors in Spain have left in their droves over the years and the few of us who are left want to leave.  I do not feel safe in Spain anymore and I am sick of feeling I cannot keep my valuables in my safe or that I have to lock every internal door when I go to the grocery store.  The Guardia Civil do very little and the Security companies are useless.  The burglars know the process, one trigger and the security companies do nothing so as long as they sabotage the central box with less than three triggers they are safe because the security companies need three triggers or a visual to get up off their backsides and attend.  And the Guardia Civil fine for false alarms so the Security companies are too nervous to be vigilant and they are Spanish Security companies so their first priority is to take your money not protect your home.  This situation will chase us out of Spain.  I wondered if anyone else felt the same?  Most who deny this is happening are burying their heads in the sand.  I feel Spain is no longer safe.  I feel violated and insecure in my own home and I do not live in a rough area, I live in a very nice area.  Well I use the work "nice" loosely these days.  We need to be our own Vigilant, and or neighbourhood watch and catch these pond life.  How can any of us feel safe when these pond life are coming in to our homes and robbing us and the law in Spain does not even allow us to protect ourselves.  God Bless America where you can shoot anyone who is on your property, I mean really, who takes a wrong turn and breaks a 1st floor patio door and ends up in your first floor bedroom.....come on Spain get a grip, we need to rid this earth of pond life who rob people.  Er suggestion to burglars, get a job, we all worked for what we have, work for yours too, not steal for those of us who have worked all our lives for what we have.  If ex-pat investors leave .......


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Stinkey said:
Sunday, October 11, 2015 @ 11:09 AM

Sounds like you've answered your own question ..form a neighbourhood watch install CCTV and a big dog and take turns patrolling the hood ? If you love it there it's worth protecting methinks ..if you can't come together as a community then at least protect YOUR home..I can assure you it's not getting better here in the UK that's for sure ?

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