Cling film what next ?
Thursday, June 6, 2013 @ 9:14 PM
As the packing continues we have had our first day without giving or throwing stuff away it must be progress. Of which our new best friends are still awake and we can expect the surveyor on Tuesday next, lets just hope that now we've poked the bear we don't get bitten !
Well it seems that the world has moved on from Sellotape when it comes to packing , the lovely wife has got a big roll of cling film to wrap the awkward stuff and the boxes. There seems to be quite an art in sealing in the freshness with a 75 cm wide roll of cling film but the results are quite satisfying with an every growing pile marching towards 19m3 . As an additional bonus should the van fall off the ferry then our stuff would be dry if recovered .
Mum in law skyped today for a chat , well not quite , the lovely wife went all Cecil b de Mille and started filming the furniture we don't want, in a live web link to the mum in laws friends . Back camera , front camera , I'll prop you up while I measure it ! Yes it's quite big but you can squeeze it in , it'll take 2 to lift it though. It's a shame we didn't record it because from the other room it was hilarious would have made a good ad for DFS .
I need to have a word with dad now and get him into Skype , he has all the kit and is no dummy but his lap top only get used 3 - 4 times a year to book flights you quessed it to Spain. He's been a frequent flyer for years now however I have a feeling ill not need Skype to see him , we'll not every time