I found the nest
Friday, June 7, 2013 @ 9:17 PM
Operations have today moved under the stairs , now for most this is a little dark hole but ours is some what larger as it rotates back under the turn all the way to that famous location "the foot of r stairs " with only one way in and out its a time capsule that gets reset as soon as Santa has finished his rounds and put the reindeer out to grass.
The front line is all the usuall household appliances followed by flower arranging stuff and in the back is the Christmas tree, now the tree is 8' when set up and 4' diameter with 600 LEDs and 400 red baubles, its vast , truly looks the mutts when the lovely wife has finished and is one job I don't need to dodge as I'm excluded . So this lead to the usual do we want it , need it or how much room will it take up I just wonder will it look out of place ? Will it seem like Christmas with or without it ? Never really thought about it but I can't see the Spanish all putting pine trees in the salon , do they ?
I don't know if you remember them , but here in the uk all the supermarkets sell various carriers and bags for life with the posh ones being like sack cloth with Daisy's on or the like and run at a £1 or €1.18 ea, I used to see these about the kitchen and car often upto a year or so ago when my lovely wife started having the shopping delivered in an attempt to cut calories and spending neither of which had much effect. The logic was you can make sensible choices when on line and not stood in the pie aslie yeh !
So the bags , I found the nest where they had all gone to behind it all under the stairs huddled together for comfort was 34 , thirty four bags some from all the major stores plus some I didn't even know, a bag for life we have enough for a small cats home , the explanation - I used to forget to pick it them up.