Lawyers !
Sunday, June 9, 2013 @ 9:51 PM
You read all the horror stories about buying homes abroad especially in our soon to be adopted Spain. The rule seems to be get a lawyer who's been recommended , who has a full command of both languages and has practiced in Spain for a while and knows the ropes. All seems very sound advice I must say. You would assume that here in the UK with better safe guards the same advice would see you through with iron clad contentment. To that end we used the same solicitors to handle the sale of our home as handled the purchase especially as they have grown over the last 28 years and expanded from Sheffield into our village. Should be a solid choice any errors from last time then they did them. So why has it gone base over apex so soon ? We were sent a half ream of paper to fill out , when did we have the windows have we moved the boundary have we been burgled flooded been upset or upset the neighbours ? I mean come on they upset me every time the temp goes above 20c and the crew from Jordy shore turn up . The cover letter said could we take an hour to complete the forms - 3 hrs later their done the lovely wife hand delivered to the local office with our passports and drivers licences ( PERMISO lol)
so with every thing including the curtains on the form we felt ripped off but safe that we had done our bit. Now like many we have a mortgage so the bank has the first charge and as such holds the deeds I believe this is the norm & all on the form. This was over a week ago and as you know we spoke to the brief mid week and all was well . So on Saturday we received 2 letters in one envelope from the brief - first thanks for completing the forms promptly - second as we hold the deeds can we please pass them on to the brief 
i really can't wait for them to start the cleaver bits ! Beware of lawyers even English ones !