Yes he's been
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 @ 9:35 PM
Yes he's been and he was a little guy hiding behind a clip board , he had a list and he's checking it twice trying to find out what's draughty or lice.
Wheres Waldo ? He's out the front no its the back, is he in the kitchen , the lounge the bedrooms ? Well he was where ever all the doors were open he neither asked or said where he was going and when he got there he left the closet doors open and he windows . My lovely wife made us a cuppa and asked if he would like one he agreed , no sugar ! Sweet enough - don't think so ! Said tea was served in best contemporary mug , it's on the dinner table with your folder and there it sat untouched . His visit was booked for 90 mins and so it was as if by magic 90mins later he was gone . Weather our new best friends got their money's worth only time will tell but they certainly got the time they paid for .
You would think that a house surveyor would be glad of the work in the current market or may be that's it he's rusty having been locked in a closet since 2008 that would also explain leaving all the doors open !
Our brief amazed us again this morning by a draft contract dropping through the door , land registry the lot , may be ..... She's just popped out of the same closet being off the ball and rusty then running ahead , love to know what her secretary told her LOL .
All we need now is for our new best friends on team manaña to keep up and we may just be in Spain before the summer shut down.
Keep one eye on the prize