Atalbéitar to Pórtugos by Matilda
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @ 3:41 PM
Here's a view of Las Alpujarras by Matilda, from Australia:
It is a lovely, lazy afternoon and I am doing the bread run. The sun is warm and the breeze is soft; somewhere out of sight a bee hums gently.
Three butterflies are fluttering above my head, their brightly-coloured wings standing out beautifully against the deep blue sky. A grasshopper skips across my path. Higher up the mountain, a flock of goats is grazing and the tinkling of their bells floats down on the breeze.
The path is thinning and the olive groves and hedges have given way to ferns and brambles and ancient oaks. It is quite dark and very mysterious. I am so glad we came here, it's a beautiful place.