Topless Or Not?? Part 12 of our Story
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 @ 1:02 PM

When you’re 47 years old and have had three children it’s a big decision when you hit the beach. Do you go topless or keep everything under wraps. I’ve never really done the topless thing before. When I was about 17 or 18 I went to Tunisia with my mum and my stepdad. Now I love my stepdad and he’s a great guy but there was no way I would get my thrupenny bits out in front of him. I must have been the only person in the whole complex covered up. Even my mum dared to bare. Then in 2000 I went to Portugal with my dad & my stepmum. Again, nearly everyone on the beach was topless but it just felt too weird to go topless in front of my dad. So I didn’t! Now here in Spain, most, if not all of the ladies on the beach are topless. Jealousy, that evil green eyed monster, is one of the deadly sins I know but some of the young girls strutting their stuff on the sand are absolutely gorgeous and make me feel terribly old and unattractive. Now Charlie says he loves my body, wobbly bits n all and cant see any reason why I should keep covered up - but then he’s biased. And anyway don’t you need white bikini lines to see how you’re tan is improving?! If I could spend a few months at a gym, eat nothing but rabbit food then maybe I wouldn’t feel so self-conscious but that just ain’t gonna happen. The thought of jumping about getting hot & sweaty pumping iron fills me with dread and I DO like my grub. So there’s the dilemma. Maybe I could go topless but only if I’m lying down. That way I wouldn’t have to breath in so hard to make my stomach look smaller, whilst trying to arch my back in an attempt to make things look perkier than they actually are. Of maybe I should just let everything hang out just as nature intended and frankly not give a damn. Decisions, decisions?!