How events change your outlook
Sunday, September 26, 2010 @ 2:59 PM
Part of phase 2 has been completed, but work has stopped for a few months as our builder had some other work that he need to complete which we agreed to that it would not be a problem with us, as we are in no hurry, so long as the main structure is complete, roof on and windows in by the time our building licence expires.
But events that happen can change your outlook on life. My father passed away suddenly a few weeks ago, he lived life to the end, but still had things he had planned to do.
So where before I/we was just letting things take their time and see how things pan out, we how need to start living the dream, while we still have the time on our side to do this.
My mum, who passed away some 14 years ago and dad had their dreams and went for them, I am a bit more cautious. But how I believe you need to live them, if you fail at least you can say I tried and move on.
Sorry if this sounds a bit morbid, but it’s part of this adventure and we now need to get things going and start living the dream.
So we are going out in October to get things moving along.