Article 17. Information, training and education of consumers and users.
1. The public authorities, within their respective competence, will promote the training and education of consumers and users, will ensure that they have the necessary information for the effective exercise of their rights and will ensure that they are given understandable information about proper use and consumption of goods and services which are available for them on the market.
2. The Estate mass media will produce some programs, without advertising and to the information and education of consumers and users. In such spaces and programs in accordance with its content and purpose consumer and user associations and other representative groups or stakeholders will take place in the manner to be agreed with the media.
Article 18. Labeling and advertising of goods and services.
1. The labeling and presentation of goods and services and ways of presenting them must be done such as to not mislead the consumer and user, specially:
a. About characteristics of the good or service and, in particular, about its nature, identity, composition, quantity, origin or method of manufacture or production.
b. About effects or properties that the good or service do not possess.
c. If suggests the good or service possesses special characteristics when in fact all similar goods or services possess such characteristics.
2. Without prejudice to the specific requirements established by regulation, all goods and services available to consumers and users should incorporate, or ultimately, allow a clear, understandable, truthful and effective enough information on its essential characteristics, and particularly on the following:
a. Name and address of the producer.
b. Nature, composition and purpose.
c. Quality quantity, category or usual name or trademark, if any.
d. Date of production, supply and lot, where it is required by regulation, the term recommended for use or consumption or expiration date.
e. Instructions or indications for a proper use or consume , warnings, and foreseeable risks.
3. Subject to the exceptions provided by law or regulation, the compulsory labeling and presentation of goods or services sold in Spain must me shown at least in Castilian, Spanish official state language.
4. The offer, promotion, and false or misleading advertising of goods and services will be prosecuted and punished as fraud. Consumer associations are entitled to initiate and intervene in the legal procedures available to stop them.

Caños de Meca ( Cadiz) By kida.kida at