Legal tip 191. Spanish government revision on Urban Planning insanity
Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Secretary of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, has said that if there is an image that has hurt Spain in the European Union has been planning. This has been explained during his speech at the Joint Commission for the European Union in the Senate, where she has ensured that works to guarantee that the urban sprawl of years past "will not happen again" and that "is in the process of being corrected”.
To work on these issues with the other Member States, the Secretary of Housing will organize an informal meeting of Secretaries of Housing of the European Union in Toledo on the 21st of June of 2010 and another meeting for Secretaries of Urban Development Ministers on the 22nd of same month. These acts will be added to the High Level International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Comprehensive Rehabilitation, to be held in Madrid in April 2010, and the held of the European Forum for Architectural Policies, which will address issues such as architecture and innovation, energy and new models for space usage.
Good and expected news indeed, but let me launch some hopes:
I hope this matter will be addressed in relation to financial excess and lack of regulations and control which drove the real estate operators to insanity.
I hope that realism will make its appearance and they will go to the origins of the orgy: .... the lack of accountability on the part of financial institutions....
I hope they will pay special attention to the necessary reform of Law 57/68.
Have a great weekend! We have a puente (bridge) in Spain, which means we will not return t work till next Wednesday!
Maria L. de Castro

Christmas tree in Madrid by Trinchetto at