Legal tip 204. Oportunity to sell your house in Spain IV. What is a protected house?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 8:09 PM
The Legal definition of Public Protected Housing contained in provision 1 of the Legislative Royal Decree 31/1978 dated the 31st of October 1978 and provision 1 of Royal Decree 3148/1978 dated the 10th in November of 1978, remarks four main characteristics:
- Destination to regular and permanent home.
- Maximum area of 90 square meters. ( There are exceptions in regional Laws with maximum areas up to 120 and 150 m2 for disabled people, their family carers and large families)
- Compliance of applicable Law
- Have been classified as such by the competent public administration
I will write on final requirements of the programm for 2010 once the Royal Decree is out.
And what about your grapes? Do you already have them?
Grapes splashing in water by AHMED at