Legal tip 304. Speed for the Civil Registry in Spain
Monday, June 21, 2010 @ 7:16 PM
Justice Minister, Francisco Caamaño, presented to the Council of Ministers a plan to reduce the waiting times in the Central Civil Registry (CCR) which will permit the implementation of several measures to expedite the obtention of records whose delays affect the rights of citizens.
A study by the General Council for the Judicial Power, the complaints of citizens on the Central Civil Registry has increased by 19.1%, mostly due to waiting times, inadequate staff and the public opening hours.
Although the transformation of the Central Civil Registry should occur in line with the new Law on Civil Registry, the Ministry of Justice has held that while this is not approved by Parliament, it is necessary to find solutions in the short term and prepare the Registry for the entry into force of the new law.
Among the main problems is the lack of computerization and updating of the entries and registration procedures, creating difficulty in managing the notable increase in demand happened in recent years.
For this reason, in order to streamline its operations, the Ministry of Justice has prepared an emergency plan aimed at shortening waiting times, with a series of short and medium term measures:
* Among the short-term measures: temporary reinforcement of the workforce, expansion of the working day, enabling a specific email account for issuing of certificates, restructuring of public care services to citizens and training courses to encourage the specialization and performance of officers.
* Among the medium-term measures, the plan includes a group of them aimed at the interoperability of registration, promoting the linking of databases and the possibility that the certificates can be issued by the Civil Registry Network and not just by the Central Civil Registry. To this end, the computerization of consular records will be promoted, digitization of data, and also the reform of the Civil Registry regulations is being planned in order to improve management procedures.
Summer is here!

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