Management tip 24. PostCrisis values: simple proposals XVIII
Friday, July 30, 2010 @ 9:35 AM
Today´s :Love
A quote by a great person: " If you judge people, you have no time to love them" Mother Teresa of Calculta
And a paragraph from a recent management book:
Argandoña Rámiz, Antonio
Editor: IESE
"En cualquier caso, lo importante en un acto realizado por amor, aunque sea imperfecto, no es el resultado, sino la acción. Una acción es éticamente excelente cuando el agente busca el bien del otro, aunque no le conozca (como un cliente, por ejemplo), aunque esté equivocado sobre lo que es bueno para el otro, o incluso aunque la reacción del otro sea contraria a lo que él esperaba. Y la excelencia no debe obviarse en una empresa si quiere llevar a cabo su actividad con eficiencia"
"Anyway, the importance of an act made with love, even imperfect, is not the result, but the action. An action is excelent from the ethical point of view when the agent is looking for the good of the other person, even not knowing him/her ( as a client, for instance) even when the agent is wrong regarding what is good for the other one, and even when the reaction of the other one is against what it was expected by the agent. Excellence cannot be forgotten in a company if this is looking for efficiency"