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Legal tip 541. Force for Consumers
Friday, May 27, 2011 @ 4:47 PM

Last 3rd of May, the European Economic and Social Committee published a report on “Consumers and Cross-Border possibilities in the Internal Market”


Article 4 of said report advises on the need of a Directive on Consumers Rights with important emphasis on information rights.


The Committee endorses a position in favor of an European judicial instrument which will allow consumers who are victims of collective damages to start a collective judicial action for the redress of those damages and to make possible an effective compensation of collective moral or material damages  suffered by Consumers of any member Estate and applying identical conditions.


In relation to Internal Market of Retail Finantial services, the report proposes:



-      Creation of a universal Bank account






-      Minimum Bank services for all the European citizens

-      Reliable and same system of electronic transfers for all the Member Estates

-      Strict definition of Banks liabilities when granting credits

-      Uniform system for Insurances for all the European territory

-      List of abusive clauses and unfair commercial practices for financial products.

-      Possibilities for comparison of  Bank commissions

-      Reinforced obligation for advice  about complex financial products  and effective mechanisms for the solution of conflicts and compensation related to wrong running of financial systems ( Bank and Insurances)

The Commission also considers as necessary to promote neutrality of Internet and inclusion of HighSpeed services for all.

The report also does some recommendations for protection of consumers in local businesses.

Sancti Petri ( Chiclana, Costa de la Luz) beach by La Convento at


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