Legal tip 549. Law on Holiday Rentals in Asturias
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 @ 2:04 PM
Regulated by a decree of 2003.
Description: The whole house (and not individual rooms) is rented for a price, in a professional and habitual way.
Maximum vacancies are 14, distributed in seven rooms.
An authorization by the Public Administration is needed and a plaque that will be shown at the entrance.
Owner of these units will need to have a permanent indemnity insurance to cover damages and injuries of the clientele.
Stays in these houses comprise pacific use of the house. The hiring will be for weeks, week-ends and long weekends.
In terms of reservations, an advanced payment of the price is possible, being as maximum, the 50% of the full Price. The tenant can, at any time, cancel the reservation.
Prices will be public and placed in an accesible place. Price will comprise water supply, electricity, and combustible necessary for heating, hot water and kitchen.
Payment will be made when and where agreed, if there is no specific agreement to this respect, payment will be made in the establishment when the invoice is presented to be paid.

Beach near Llanes, Asturias by Marquibeck at