Legal tip 579. Spain is possible
Friday, August 26, 2011 @ 5:42 PM
Let me propose you something I have been dreaming about for years, since we started our adventure back in 2006.
Come and believe in Spain and in that dream that you saw as broken for some time. Yes, I am not losing my sense.
We have been extendedly discussing on this for hours today in Alcaidesa, with my friend Gerardo and his work partner Antonio: now property consultants after working for developers for many years. Both with an exquisite and sensible taste for bringing real Spain and all its treasures to you.
I am definitely using their company when helping you to reach your dream, and when doing so, we are turning Banks to your side..... yes,we are. It is not easy, but who said that valuable things are easy? We already have some of them thinking throug this.... and more will come. No doubt.
We will let you know more about this initiative for returning good to many: both foreign and spaniards, based on the richness that Spain has, is and will always be able to offer to you.
Anyone willing to join us is also invited to come.... Do you want to work with us?
Cheers and have a great weekend,