Legal tip 630. Lawyers to reform Justice
Thursday, November 3, 2011 @ 4:24 PM
CGAE president, Carlos Carnicer, took the start of the Tenth Congress of Lawyers in Cadiz to say that "it is a social need that we have to deal once and for all radical reforms in the administration of justice." The president said the law "has been patched many times its structure, but the system for the administration of justice fails to take the step of the society it serves. And such vital laws to deliver justice as the Criminal Procedure Act (1882) or the Civil Code (1889), designed for nineteenth century society, remain valid in the XXI century. "
For his part, Justice Minister Francisco Caamano, highlighted the figure of the lawyer, who demanded "knowledge, analysis and ethical conviction, as well as responsibility."
On the other hand, Carnicer expressed "among all (politicians, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, court clerks and officials) we need to regenerate justice, with imagination, using and even rushing the new technologies that facilitate the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.”
The president of the Spanish lawyers also took some self-criticism. "Ultimately, the public service of justice has not satisfied citizens and professionals. Many of us have never understood why the modernization of the public service of justice has been much more difficult than that of complex services such as health or public finance and others who are constantly adapting to technological advances, "said Carnicer.
For this reason, he called for a pact of State for justice. With full participation of Law people for the creation of a new culture of Justice in Spain.

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