UK will lead financial conversations in 2009
Thursday, October 9, 2008 @ 8:28 AM
US calls for special meeting of G20 amid global crisis
9 Oct, 2008, 0308 hrs IST, AGENCIES
WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson called on Wednesday for a special meeting of the Group of 20 advanced and emerging countries to disc
uss ways to combat the financial crisis.
"In consultation with Brazil, the G-20 president, I am calling for a special meeting of the G20 that will include senior finance officials, central bankers, and regulators from key emerging economies to discuss how we might coordinate to lessen the effects of global market turmoil and the economic slowdown on all of our countries," Paulson said at a news conference
For more information on G20: G20 United Kingdom will be the chair country of this organization in 2009. Why do not you start proposing some participation of civil society ( citizenship) in these conferences? Why do not you start preparing to lobby the G20, specially when next year, 2009 you are going to be leading?
By Maria L. de Castro