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My Covid-19 Diary - March 2020 to date

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard, with over 120 million global victims. I am British, married to a German and we live in Andalucía in the Serranía de Ronda. This blog contains articles I've written over the last 14 months which are about a weird life of curfews, lockdowns, masks, hand gel, rules and regulations and, for those of us who have been affected directly, the vicious after-effects of the virus, long-Covid, bereavement and financial ruin.

5 years of Covid-19 - The last post
Friday, March 21, 2025 @ 8:07 PM

I have decided to suspend this thread as Covid-19 seems to have largely dropped out of our consciousness. So, this will be the last post.

Appropriately, it's the fifth anniverary of the first Covid-19 lockdowns, so maybe that's an appropriate point to finish on.

Image of the Coronavirus [Source unknown]    



The first European countries to lock down, shut their borders, stop ferries and ground flights were Italy and Spain, the two countries expected to be most at threat.

Other governments delayed slightly, eg France and Germany, and the UK by a catastrophic two weeks.


[Photo courtesy of  Ipsos]    


And how did it all turn out?

The decisive and draconian lockdowns in Italy and Spain saved many thousands of lives.

The reckless delay by the UK - Boris "Bojo The Clown" Johnson, the prime minister, maintaining there was little or no threat for two weeks and allowing major sports events to go ahead - led to many thousands of unnecessary deaths.

Other nonsensical measures, eg shutting pubs and restaurants completely; shutting down live theatre throughout the country; closing museums and art galleries; curtailing public transport, eg buses, trams, trains and underground services; schools were closed; and banning funerals were out of all proportion and the repercussions are still being felt.

Bojo the Clown [Facebook]    


Government ministers of the time are still being investigated for ignoring medical and civil service advice; and for corruption.

The partying in Parliament and at Number 10 ultimately led to Bojo's downfall.

Ongoing investigations into Matt Hancock for incompetence and corruption and carrying on an affair; 

and special adviser Dominic Cummings, who broke travel rules with impunity, illustrate the hypocrisy of our leaders at that critical time. 




Hancock caught in the act [The Sun]


The lies and cover-ups by politicians are an absolute disgrace.



In Spain where I lived then, and still do, the lockdowns were brutal and policed by all three police forces.

Some say now that what prime minister did was over-the-top and even illegal. Illegal or not, that man saved thousands of lives.

Under lockdown you had to stay at home. You were not allowed to leave your municipality. Hard for flat dwellers; not so bad for people like me who lived in fincas with land in the countryside.

One member of a household only was permitted to shop for food, medicines, tobacco (Doh!), and fuel, and visit the doctor or hospital emergency departments. Nothing else.


Pedro Sanchez [Photo by El Mundo]    


As my house has a Ronda postcode, I was permitted to drive alone to Ronda for any of the above. I was stopped every time I went and quizzed about my reasons for wishing to go into the centre. I told them I was planning to do several permitted activities.

"Make sure you keep your receipts, then, because we'll be checking you on the way back out."




Covid-19 road block [Spain in English]    


If you had a dog, you were allowed to take it for a short walk. Not a problem for me. My dog Bertie had a huge garden to go at.

My gardener was not allowed to come to work, so I gradually got stuck in and did the work he would normally have done for me. Mowing lawns, weeding, pruning, and repairing and restoring garden furniture.

When the lockdown requirements eased somewhat, you could sit outside a café in groups of no more than four; you could go to exhibitions wearing a mask; theatres and concerts started up again, whereby you had to leave a metre gap between you and others and keep your mask on.

Berti sunbathing by the pool [Paul Whitelock]


People heeded the rules about not greeting each other with an embrace or a handshake. We learned to touch elbows or knuckles. We were taught how to wash our hands correctly. Even the many men that never used to wash their hands after going to the toilet started to do so religiously. People largely did what they were told.

Alas, it didn't last. When I go to the bathroom nowadays, I'm about the only man who washes his hands.

When vaccines were approved and made available free, most people went for them. I've had all five that I have been entitled to up to now.




[Facultad de Tecnologia Valencia] 


In countries like Germany, there are too many "bolshie" people, refuseniks and others who opt not to claim their vaccinations. There are a few in my extended family, I am surprised to learn. What is the matter with these people?

So, five years on, as we count the cost - failed businesses; bars and restaurants that have gone under; a huge increase in cases of mental illness; increased suicide amongst young men; anxious children who have lost at least a year of schooling; post-Covid issues including memory loss, agoraphobia, breathing difficulties and loss of balance - I am left wondering how much worse it could have been.



Should you contract Covid-19, keep away from others and wear a mask until your symptoms have disappeared.

Keep healthy!


     [Image by Bruegel]


©  Paul Whitelock


Photos and Images:

Bruegel, El Mundo, Facebook, Facultad de Tecnologia Valencia, Ipsos, Paul Whitelock, Spain in English, The Sun



agoraphobia, anxious children, banning funerals, bars and restaurants that have gone under, Bertie, Berti sunbathing, "Bojo The Clown", "bolshie" people, Boris Johnson, breathing difficulties, broke travel rules, Bruegel, buses, carrying on an affair, cases of mental illness, closing museums and art galleries, concerts, Coronavirus, corruption, Covid-19, Covid-19 road block, curtailing public transport, dog, Dominic CummingsEl Mundo, Facebook, Facultad de Tecnologia Valencia, failed businesses, fifth anniverary of the first Covid-19 lockdowns, fincas with land in the countryside, five years on, France, fuel, Germany, go to exhibitions wearing a mask, ground flights, hospital emergency department, how to wash our hands correctly, hypocrisy, ignoring medical and civil service advice, illegal, incompetence, I'm about the only man who washes his hands, Ipsos, Italy, it didn't last, I was permitted to drive alone to Ronda, I was stopped every time, keep away from others, keep your mask on, keep your receipts, last post, lies and cover-ups by politicians, lockdown, loss of balance, lost a year of schooling, Matt Hancock, medicines, memory loss, metre gap, mowing lawns, my gardener was not allowed to come to work, not allowed to leave your municipality, one member of a household, over-the-top, partying in Parliament and at Number 10, Paul Whitelock, people did what they were told, people heeded the rules, policed by all three police forces, post-Covid syndrome, prime minister, pruning, refuseniks, repairing, repercussions are still being felt, restoring garden furniture, Ronda postcode, saved thousands of lives, schools were closed, shop for food, short walk, shut their borders, shutting down live theatre, shutting pubs and restaurants, sit outside a café in groups of no more than four, Spain, Spain in English, stay at home, stop ferries, suicide amongst young men, theatres, The Sun, thousands of unnecessary deaths, tobacco, touch elbows or knuckles, trains, trams, underground, UK, vaccines, visit the doctor, wear a mask, we count the cost, weeding

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